Tuesday 12 May 2009


This is it. Final day of our tour of duty!

Got to Terminal 1 and had to go through 3 security checks at Heathrow.
1. Normal security check with metal detector and x-ray
2. Had our photo taken before the duty free
3. Photo recall just before departure gate to make sure its still the same person

Annoying, but at least London is taking internal flight safety seriously!!!

The flight was 30 minutes long, we taxied on the runway for a longer length of time. Crazy!

Heather and me had to sit separately even though we both had spare seats next to us!!

Guess who was sitting infront of me - Eamonn Holmes, on his way to Manchester!!

Met Kev and Jill at arrivals, it was great to see them. Then off we went back to Leeds. Andy came over in the evening and we had a take away and got about 3/4 of the way through showing them our photos.

Its canny nice being back home, for now anyway, we'll see in a weeks time. I think our house has shrunk! Everything feels smaller. Maybe I've grown, all them burgers in the U.S. might have added a couple of inches to me height!!!


Woke up at 3:00am and left the hostel. Walked to the subway station on 44th street, passing bars and diners and coffee shops still going as if it were happy hour!!

Went down to the subway station and stood for a while and when no trains came we asked this woman when the E train was due. She replied with 'Of course no E train aint running boy!!' Then she proceeded to speak in numbers and colours to try and explain how to connect with the E train via about 4 different trains.

We somehow found our selves some where in the middle of Queens, in the black dark, wondering whether to venture out of the safety of the subway and flag down a cab to take us to the airport. Then help came in the form of a drunken, snaggled toothed, homeless woman. She talked at us for about 20 minutes about the pro's and con's of each of the different train lines we could catch to JFK. She was brilliant. She only had two bottom teeth in her whole mouth and they looked like they'd had a quarrel and were trying to get as far from each other as possible.

I talked to her for a while after getting a good enough route and she was cool man. She had bags of 'stuff' she'd collected and was just riding the subway to find more 'stuff'. She asked if I had a spare subway ticket to give her, which I didnt. Then she asked for a buscuit, I didnt have one of those either. Then she went on her way stopping at this shivvering young lad, who was on his way home from a night out and offered him a hoody she produced out of her bag of 'stuff'. How nice is that? I think she was an Angel!! All she has in this world is a bag of 'stuff' and she wanted to give some of it to a random lad who was in need of it and all she wanted was a buscuit. Not sure if he accepted it as our train came. I wish I'd had had a biscuit to give her - might carry one round with me from now on just in case!!

Caught 3 more trains and finally arrived at JFK. Only to find out from the guy on the desk that we were booked onto a flight to Heathrow in a weeks time and not today!!!!!!!!! Originally our return date was the 16th of May, which was a estimated date untill we fine tuned our plans, then we changed it to the 10th May. We got sent to another desk and a couple of minutes of mixed feeling later it was all sorted and we were checked on to the flight!!

There was a bird flying inside the departure gate, dont know how it got in there, hope it had to go through security like we did. Then the poor thing slammed into a glass wall right beside us with a dull thump and died instantly.

6 hour flight to London Heathrow. We got a good flight time 8:30am landing at 2:30pm (7:30pm British time) so hopefully not have any jet lag as we're not loosing any sleep really. Fingers crossed anyway!!!

Got to the travelodge at Terminal 5. Last leg of the journey tomorrow: London to Manchester, where we'll meet Kev and Jill who are going to take us back to Leeds and home sweet home!!!


Got up early and left the hostel. The hostel is run by this lovely Chinese fella who lives there with his wife and 6 year old kid. The communal shower is their shower with all their stuff in it and the kitchen is their kitchen that they use. Lovely place to stay, feels like your staying with friends in their own home, which I guess it is.

Went for breakfast in a diner round the corner from the hostel, scrambled eggs on toast and endless top ups of Quwwoffeey!!

Set off around Manhattan as soon as we'd finished breakfast, we've only got one day here as we're leaving very early tomorrow morning to fly home, so we're making the most of being here. Walked round the corner to Times Square then down Broadway to see the wedge shaped Flatiron building which looks class. Its Saturday, so there were a load of people out walking their little designer dogs in Madison Square Park. I dont get them daft little dogs, you know them ones that look like shaved rats! I bet its just a matter of time before we find out that they're carriers of the Bubonic Plague!!

Stopped to take a few photo's of the Empire State Building, didnt bother going up it as we went to the top on our honeymoon and remembered how long we queued inside.

Walked up 5th Avenue all the way to Central Park, diverting slightly to have a little look inside Grand Central Station. Had a Quwwoffeey there and watched the world go by for a bit, its a canny busy station! Saw the Crysler Building, which is a cool building!! We then walked up the rest of 5th Avenue and had a look in F.A.O Swartz the big toy shop near Central Park and got our Chloe her birthday present. Spent about an hour walking round Central Park. There was loads of people about, running, walking dogs and that! Then we stopped to watch the University team play softball on the playing fields. (now thats just rounders, at least with baseball they pitch the ball, but in soft ball they use a massive ball and throw it under arm)

Manhattan is stunning. Its such a cool city. Now I know I can only comment on what Ive seen and experienced in 5 days back in 2005 and 2 days this time around so I have no idea what it would be like to live or work in Manhattan and from what Ive read and heard its a pretty tough and hardened city to exist in. Something I read about New Yorkers said that ' The faces in New York look like they've played a game and lost'. But to spend time in New York is truely the best thing I can think of doing if you're in need of something to do! Flashing lights, city nights, busy streets, I LOVE NEW YORK!!!!

We went to Appleby's on Times Square for some scran, the same one we went to on honeymoon and had some ribs. Then the plan was to go to a few bars and head back for an earlyish night as we have to leave at 3:30am to catch the subway to JFK.

Found a bar on 9th avenue on the way back and stayed there all night as the music was quality. Mostly British guitar music: The Cribs, The Smiths, Lilly Allen, The Who, The Beatles they even played Maximo Park so I wasnt going anywhere. Had a great night in there.

Saturday 9 May 2009


Got up dead early to walk to union station to catch the Amtrak to New York.

Nowt much to report - 14 hours on a train!!!!!

Had to stop at the boarder for 2 hours. The customs officers got on the train and checked everything on board and only took off problem people.

It was canny comfortable like, at first I thought we were in first class but we weren't, the seats had enough room for all the chairs to lie down and for the feet rests to come up!

Passed Niagra falls again as we crossed the boarder.

Saw loads of fruit trees all in blossom.

Saw a Beever when we stopped once.

The train goes really slow and stops to let freight trains pass.

Thats about it for the train journey!!

Arrived into Pen station at 11pm, caught the subway to 42 nd street and walked up the subway steps to ground level. I'd forgotten how good this city is. The buildings are so big and look really bonny all lit up at night. I really love New York!! Walked a few blocks and checked into the hostel which is just off Times Square. Every street we walked down was proper buzzing with people even though it was midnight!!!


Woke up and had breakfast in the hostel of pancakes drenched in maple syrup. They love that stuff over here, they even put it on bacon and eggs - a bit too sickly in the morning for me!!!

We got picked up in a mini bus by the company who are taking us to Niagra falls. It took about an hour before the bus had stopped at all the pick up points, then we were off. The first stop, strangely, was a winery!?! We tasted 3 wines and then they tried to flogg us some expensive wine - no one bought any. I cant see how they expect backpackers to fork out 30 quid for a bottle of wine - wouldnt be suprised if the driver had shares in the winery!
Then we drove onto the falls.
The first thing we saw, which shocked me a bit, was a canny big town with massive hotels, casinos and a blackpool style pleasure beach right next to the falls. I'd imagined that we would drive out into the country side and the falls would just be there all solitary. Instead they've built a tourist attraction complex around it, and by attractions I mean Walzers, ghost trains, haunted houses, big wheels, candy floss and all that gash!!!!!

We had about 3 hours to walk around and see the falls. They are amazing like! The size is unbelievable and the volume of water that goes over them bends your head a little bit. We saw the horse shoe falls from the top and the American falls from the Canadian side then got on the Maid of the Mist boat that sails right up to the foot of the horseshoe falls and right inside the mist -it was an incredible sight seeing all that water coming over and landing only meters away, at one point you couldnt see anything as the mist was so thick.

Met back up with the bus and drove to Niagra on the lake for a look round, stopping to see the worlds largest natural whirlpool.

Got back to Toronto about 8pm and went for food in this pub just round the corner from the hostel. Had my first taste of catfish which was well nice!! On the way back I got a compliment of this camp fella waiting to go into this club 'Love yer tash buddy' I think thats what he said anyhow!!!


What a night in that hostel!!!

Firstly this French lad (there's loads of french here) who I'm assuming works for the hostel started cleaning the toilets right outside our room at 1am and had the gaul to sing whilst he did it!! Then a bunch of more ignorant French lads came in about 3am shouting their mouths off and banging on the walls - obviously they couldnt handle there grape juice or what ever they drink!! Then at 6am the straining man made an appearance, I cant be sure that he was French but lets assume he was since Im having a go at them. He was the strangest, he'd go to the toilet and make a really loud painfull straining noise then swear!! The word he used could have been describing what he had just done - Bizzarre!!

The French are temporarily off my Christmas card list!!!!

Wednesday 6 May 2009


Got out into Toronto with a few chores we had to do:
1. Go and pick up our train tickets for New York
2. Book a trip to Niagra falls
3. Get cash out (which is nearly impossible in Canada, there is literally only one bank that recognises Visa)
4. Buy a phone card - so we could phone our neice Chloe on her 3rd birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHLOE

Walked around Toronto for a couple of hours. Its pretty big but unfortunately not that big on being pretty. Alot of the buildings are concrete adn grey - a bit drab looking. Its got a canny atmosphere though, so I could imagine it being a canny place to work but not sure its the greatest place to visit!! So we caught a street car (tram) out of the city to a place called the beaches in the suburbs, which was pretty cool. We walked along the shore of Lake Ontario, which I thought was the Atlantic Ocean but was proved wrong when I licked it and it was fresh water!!
Saw these weird chocolate brown squirrels!!
Went for a coffee and a chill in a coffee shop then trammed it back into Toronto where we walked around for an hour or so and saw a statue or Churchill (Winston not that dog of the adverts)

Walked round the keyside in the evening and had a gander at the CN tower which is massive.

Off to Niagra falls the morra!!!!!


Left Vancouver the day for Toronto. Got up before the sun did, packed our bags up, (AGAIN!!! Not going to miss packing up me backpack everyday) and walked to the bus stop in the dark.

Uneventful flight to Toronto. It took 4 hours which suprised me, forgot how big America and Canada are. Theres also a 3 hour time difference between west and east coast.

Asked a fella in information the best was to get to downtown Toronto - $22 airport shuttle each or $50 taxi he said, then we managed to squeeze out of him that you could just buy a $2.75 transit ticket catch a bus then a subway then a street car (tram) on the same fare - so we did that!!

Got to the hostel late afternoon, not feeling to great at the moment - hoping its just the cat allergy still having a go but Heathers feeling the same - fingers crossed!

Went out to try and pick up our Amtrack tickets to New York from the station but it clsoed at 1pm. So went for some food in a pub near Union station and tried to kill our germs with a few pints and whiskey's.

*WARNING* - Rant coming on!!

Throughout America and Canada we have felt a bit ripped off when going out for food and drinks. The advertised prices are way above prices at home, probably 50% higher, but you can sort of deal with that since you know your'e in a major city so you can expect you food and drinks to cost a bit more. But then the bill comes and they have added on a GST (general service tax), an alcohol tax and another state tax - Now that really gets my goat!!
Secret, hidden, snidey little taxes they dont tell you about. So a $6 pint of beers turns into a $8.50 pint, which is totaly ridiculous! Then, THEN the waitress wants a 20% tip for bring you it or is it a tip for wearing a short skirt?!? - Im sure its your service we're tipping love not how long you can make your legs look!!! c'mon man !!!
Its not just the drinks its food as well, extra taxes are added on to the prices advertised on the menu and then dont forget the tip - its criminal man - makes my blood boil!!!



Hired bike today. Rode them round Stanley park which was good to get a bit of exercise and burn off some burgers. We ate so many burgers in America, its just so much easier and cheaper to grab a burger plus they taste amazing and are massive over here!

Stanley park is quality, they've got bike lanes and roller blade lanes that go all over the park. We saw some original totem poles which was cool.

Spent the afternoon wandering round and taking in Vancouver. Had tea in this little cafe selling homemade soup, which did the job!!!

Up early the morn to catch a flight to Toronto, worked out we've got to catch two buses, first one at 5:45am. It'll be a shame leaving Vancouver as its been so good!!!


Had our breakfast in a canny little cafe in Gastown, which is a cool trendy part of the city. Sat and read the sunday papers and had a few cups of tea and killed a bit of time as we cant check into our next hostel till 11.

Walked about 10 minutes to the next hostel which feels more like and English style B & B. Its quite small and is basically someones house that they rent rooms out. The couple live in the house. Its a lovely old house and we had the loft conversion which felt like a self contained flat. The only thing is that the house is full of cats!! 3 of them stared to molest our bags as soon as our backs were turned when checking in. There were 3 more in our bedroom when we first went in. I scared them off and managed to punt one of them as it went past. Im swallowing antihistamines like no ones buisiness as I dont want to be sniffing and wheezing going through the airport in a couple of days and get arrested for having swine flu!!

Spent the afternoon walking round Vancouver. It brilliant here, I love it, feels a bit like Seattle but better. Youve got every thing you would ever want from a city, massive buildings, a cool skyline, countryside, parks, amazing scenery.

Went over to Glenville island, on an aquabus, where all the artists hang out. It was canny good just chilling out there.

Spent the evening watching some DVDs in our little pretent flat. They've got about 1000 DVDs as they haven't got any cable channels.

Found out them mountains are not the Rockies but the Ocean or Coastal range!!!


Tried to get an early night last night as we were getting up at stupid o'clock to catch the Greyhound. It didnt work, woke up at 2am and didnt sleep the rest of the night - gutted.
Filled up on the free breakfast and Heather nicked some muffins and biscuits and that for the coach ride.

Got to the Greyhound station at about 7:30am and waited till 9am till the bus arrived. A ticket doesn't guarentee you a seat on the bus, its first come first served. so we stood in line for the whole time!!

The bus stopped at the Boarder so we could get through passport control which took and age to get through. Got back on the bus and on to Vancouver. Arrived at Vancouver Greyhound mid afternoon and caight the sky train near to our hostel. Then headed out looking for some Candian dollars as about half a dozen cash points would accept our cards.

Saw a pharmacy called London Drugs!!!

There seems to be only only bank in Vancouver that would yeild us any money!!!

Had a canny night in this microbrewery pubwatching the ice hockey on the big screens they had and drinking the local ales. Had a canny view of some more of them black snow capped mountains.


Seattle is fantastic!!!

Had a free hot buffett breakfast, which was amazing! You could have had anything you wanted. Burgers, sausages, waffles, pancakes - the lot!!

Took the car back, we've driven 1732 miles since L.A. in two weeks. Then went for a walk round pioneer square and the old parts of Seattle, which was very cool. Felt like something out of Bugsy Malone!

Went to the aquarium and saw a massive Octopuss being fed. They've build a salmon ladder that winds around the building and are breeding salmon here in the hope that when they releaese them they will return to spawn in the aquarium and climb the ladder! That would be a sight to see!

Saw river and sea otters and some massive seals. I feel sorry a bit for seals, they look like they've been bred between a fish and a dog!!!

Then we walked round the piers and had fish and chips, they still call them fish and chips not fish and fries!! Had a canny view over the bay of some black snow capped mountains - wonder if they are the rockies!!

Had a look in this pub that had a brewery in the middle of it.

When we were walking round in the afternoon we saw a proper stand off between the cops and some bad guys. There were 8 police cars surrounding a truck, blocking off the whole road. All the rozzers had their guns out pointing at the truck. I thought we were witnessing the capture of Bin Laden for all the fire power they were brandishing!! Then this vagrant looking fella slowly steps out of the truck and got handcuffed, then his mate got floored and cuffed. It was like something out of Bad Boys II. It took 16 coppers and 8 police cars to arrest 2 old codgers. Never found out what they had done - bet it was just speeding or something!!!


Turned our heals to Portland and drove further north to Seattle. Arrived mid afternoon. Got a cheap deal in a quality inn right next to the space needle.

Walked downtown and had a nosey round Pike market which was canny good and round a bit of the town. Nearly every street has a Starbucks on it. The most we counted from a single standing position was 4 Starbucks in our field of view. There must be 1000's of them here!! Its ridiculous! I wonder how people decide which on to go to?

Walked around and found the Greyhound station and bought some tickets to take us across the Caniadian border and to Vancouver, as we're dropping the car off tomorrow.

Then it was Guinness O'Clock, found a canny bar with a very genourous happy hour on so we made the most of Seattles hospitality!!

Sunday 3 May 2009


The shouting from next door, we think, was coming from a drug dealer and his clients. Seriously this place is unreal. Heather woke up at 2am and didnt sleep the rest of the night due to people visiting our narcotic neighbour every 20 minutes throughout the night, strobing passed the gaps in our door. They played music all night, there was a constant chopping sound and there was a very heated argument outside our door between the drug barren and a woman. Then someone started crying from the drug den and then the sound of violent vomminting! You couldnt make this stuff up man!!!!!

We're supposed to stay hear for another night - Nuts to that!!!!! - At first light we're gone!!!!!!

The sun came up with no conclusions!! So we packed up, shoved our key card under the reception door, sacrificed the $40 we'd paid for tonights stay, no doubt old 40 stoner has already eaten them dollar notes by now anyway and then you couldn't see our heals for dust!!!!!!!

Drove around for a while and checked into a travelodge at 10am and went to sleep.

Afternoon came and we had a bit more of a look round Portland. I'm indecisive about Portland, I really wanted Portland to be a highlight of the U.S. I'd looked forward to seeing it so much as Ive a couple of friends who love the place. May be another visit one day is whats needed? or maybe I'd created an idea of Portland from other peoples possitivety and enthusiasm who knows!!

Funny how you quickly build up prejudices against a place after one experience, maybe the phrase 'first impressions count' is true? Well here's hoping that Portland will look more favourably on me second time round!


Set off early and drove on through Redwood lined rally roads which then turned in to Alpine country roads with weird steaming trees. It was like the trees were making clouds and slowly letting them rise out of the forrests to the sky! Beautiful drive!

Arrived in Portland mid afternoon and found the motel that we'd booked and that when things turned a bit surreal!!

The motel was about 2 miles from downtown Portland and I wouldn't be exagerating if I described it as a gang-land ghetto griefhole!! It was the most scared Ive been in all my life. It was in a neighbourhood, that the 40 stone owner and the LL Cool J cleaner told us not to walk down all but 1 single street that surrounded the motel otherwise we'd be caught up in gang affairs and not to be outside after dark - great!!

We're booked in da hood for two nights as well - gutted as we'd heard loads of great things about Portland.

LL Cool J showed us to our room and rambled on about gang violence and about how he grew up on the street in stereotypical gangster gutter chat. LL gave us some towels with suspicious brown stains on them!! The room is filthy aswell, with a carpet of multicoloured hairs in the bath and on the floor. But the crowning feature of the room is that there is a half inch gap around the door frame that leads straight to outside. Just enough room for a beady eye and the cold steel barrel of some hommies piece!!!!

Now I admit that sometimes Im prone to exaggerating but this time Im not. Ask Heather. It was so ridiculous I kept expecting Hommie Beadle to pop out with a stuck on goatee beard and a microphone disguised as a semi automatic weapon and say it was all a prank!!!

We locked our bags to the only thing that was bolted down which turned out to be the furry toilet and went to ask how to get into town so that our jugulars stayed in tact. The 40 stone woman said she used to walk in to town when she was younger - yeah right!! she hasnt walked anywhere!! Ever!!! She may have laid on her back and had someone roll her into town but never physically walked. LL Cool J told us how to avoid the gangs and which bus to get and what hand signals would get us through certain check points!!! So off we went out into Gang Land!!!

We had to walk about 15 minutes before reaching the tram (or trolley in gangster) after that Portland is really nice but before that it was terrifying - run down, derelict buildings, young lads hanging about starring - not good!

The centre of Portland is cool man, its got a bit of a punky atmosphere. A million miles away from the Gangster Paradise where we'll be sleeping for the next two nights!!

Spent a few hours in town then before the sun went down we headed to the motel. Picked up some booze en route to make sure we slept. Watched a bit of tele, got our selves drunk enough to block out the screams in the street and the shouting coming from next door!!!


Set off from San Francisco heading north to Portland, Oregon, 710 miles away. We're giving ourselves 2 days to get there.

Crossed the Golden Gate Bridge , which was class, then headed north on the smaller 101 in favour of going through the Redwood National Park and to pass more of the California coast. It was a canny drive up that road, we passed the rugged west coast and snaked through alpine and Redwood groves. The Redwoods are freakishly big, like something out of Jurassic Park. Also this is Big Foot country, there has been over 50 sightings of him in these forrests, We didnt see him but we did see a not so brazon racoon - it was dead by the side of the road and its black and white stripes had started to fade - must have heard Shearer was in charge of Newcastle!!!!

Pulled over in the Redwood Park which the road winds through and saw a tree, whose trunk was 22 foot wide!!!!

Drove 360 miles today and reached Crescent City, a small town with nothing but motels in it, 100's of them. So we had no probblem finding somewhere to sleep. About half way to Portland. We'll cross over into Oregon first thing tomorrow. Another 350 miles to Portland!


Had a lie in and caught the free breakfast again and signed up for $5 dinner. Caught a train out of San Francisco in to Oakland. Got off at the Oakland A's collesuem stadium and followed the crowd to the ticket office to get some baseball tickets.

We got some really cheap tickets in the bleachers which were canny good seats. We went into the ground, got bag searched, then a military style ticket check, then a steward woman said something about chewing gum. SO I offered her some, trying to wind her up, as I thought she was telling me to get rid of mine but she was actually asking if she could have some, so I gave her some and asked her how to get to the bleachers. When she found out it was our first baseball game and that we were from Eeeeennglaaaaaaannnd!! She got dead excited and bullied this chap into giving up all this Oakland Athletic merchandise!!

We found some seats facing the batter. The pitch was smaller than I thought it would have been so we were quite close to the players. Before the game started everyone stood for the national anthem and put there caps on their hearts and belted it out with tears in their eyes. It was little league day so there were loads of hyper kids that got in free so the park was pretty full - canny little atmosphere!! It was a great afternoon, the sun was shining, the crowd were well up for it and I didnt have the foggiest clue what was going on! The game lasted about 3 hours and between the two of us we sort of worked out what the rules were! I'd definately go again even though no one hit the ball out of the park!

Caught the BART back in to San Francisco late afternoon and headed back for our $5 food which was amazing: Pork loin with loads of veg and loads of salad - Bargain - just hope to pig didnt having the sniffles before it was killed!!!!


Went over to the Adalaide again for a free breakfast. Its really good for being free, as many bagals and as much toast as you like. Fills you up anyway and keeps you going till the afternoon.

Did our little trick of finding a bus route that goes round most of the city and stayed on most of the way round so we got to see a lot of the city in about an hour. Got off off near to the Golden Gate Bridge as we could and then walked through Crissy fields to the Bridge. We had an amazingly clear day, even if it was windy and freezing cold. So we got great views of the Bridge. It looks class like, its definately in the top 3 of my world bridge league tables.

It was chocka round the bridge with people having BBQ's in the parks and people playing on the beaches or jogging or bike riding. Canny little atmosphere round there!!

Ended up catching the wrong bus back into town and goodness knows where we ended up, but managed to find a train that took us back into town.

Went for a few drinks in this Irish bar where they had a band on, they were class! Just did covers but got everyone up!!! There was this woman about 40 years old dressed in white jeans and a white top who pimped her self for pints of Guiness! She'd dance and flirt with some old fat mand then get him to buy her a pint then go off with another greasy looking fella and get another pint!! Heather found her well annoying and kept refering to her as the Tart in White. She'd have vexed me aswell if she hadn't been so successful, she got bought pint after pint of Guiness. For a second I thought of giving it a go myself just for the pure volume of pintage she was getting - fair play. Then there was the 80's throw-back couple, they were class, they were middle aged and still dressed like they probably did back in the day. He was in a baggy black polo neck top and an over sized double breasted gret suit and Heather kept saying he looked like the cat who'd got the cream as he was so pleased with his dancing skills when A/C D/C got played! Top night like!!!

Sunday 26 April 2009


Got a free breakfast this morning from the hostel over the road from ours. Headed out in to town after putting our names down for a $5 dinner there tonight. Having to budget canny heavily now as we seem to be haemoraging dollars and cents in the U.S. Walked up to pier 33 to see about a trip to Alcatraz, managed to get on a trip for an hour later. Got the boat across to the rock and spent a good couple of hours there, doing the audio tour of the prison which was good. It must have been hell on earth being locked up there!!

Once back we had a wander round pier 39 which is full of tourist shops and all that jazz. There's a shop called Treasure Ireland that just sells Irsih related stuff!?! Didnt go in as our Irish needs were satisfied. Did get a good view of the Golden Gate Bridge from the pier though.

Spent the rest of the afternoon wandering round town. Found China town which was cool. The American Pyramid and all the steep hilly streets you see on the tele with cable cars going up and down.

San Francisco is a quality city. Feels a bit like New York with the massive tall buildings and everything arranged in a grid system. I wouldn't mind living here, you could could just walk around all day long and not get bored here.

Had our $5 dinner which was actually really good, there were loads of travellers young and old taking advantage of the cheap food!!!


Left Yosemite without seeing the Brazon Racoon, stopped at a grove to see some giant Sequoia's and they were giant. One of them had a tunnel carved through its trunk that could fit a horse and carriage through it - unbelievable.

Drove onto San Francisco following the sat nav which lost satellite connection about a mile away from the hostel but finally found it.

San Francisco is massive man. We did some much needed laundry and then went for dinner in a really American diner from the 50's.

Had a bit of a gander round the streets near the hostel. Its proper hilly here, every corner you turn seems to lead you up a hill regardless of the direction your coming from.


Got up canny early again but on purpose this time as we are walking a canny long trail today. Going to climb Vernal and Nevada falls. Its only 7 miles long but a 2000 foot ascent. Got a bus to the starting point and a school fof kids got on the bus. These American kids are far too confident for my liking like!! Seriously this 12 year old girl comes up and is all ' Howdee neighbour! where you guys from?' Then starts cracking on to this old couple!

It took about 5 hours to climb to both falls. The size of these water falls are like nothing Ive ever seen before, makes you wonder where all the water comes from. The weirdest thing is the wind that comes off the falls from the force of the water - mental!

We got saoked to the bone from the mist off of Vernal falls. There was a perfect rainbow that permenantly sat in the bowl of the fall where the water fell.

Met an old American guy that started talking to us on our way down who was really friendly. I reckon the American's have to be the friendliest people we've come across. Most people we've been in contact with have been genuienly interested in us and really polite and really helpful.

On the shuttle bus back someone cried bear again but this time there was one. A black bear, that was actually brown, in the woods having a picnic!! Hows cools that!!

Saw a squirrel without a tail.

We had pizza in the evening and saw Jaimie off of Jaimie and his magic torch off of the eighties!! Well a kid that looked like him, got a photo to prove it.

Also heard Coyotes during the night. Aw Aw Awwwwwwwwwooooooooooooo


Woke up at literally the crack of dawn. Its canny hard to sleep when the sun is up in these tents. Plus a woodpecker was going mental right outside so got up at 5:45am. Supprisingly so did half the camp. There are loads of school groups in our site and they are all proper hyperactive kids, running round, pretending to be Rambo or something, screaming at the top of there lungs. It must be a canny cool place to go for a school trip.

Walked some of the trails, saw mirror lake in the morning - we could only go so far up the trail as there was a rock slide in March that totally blocked the way.
In the afternoon we walked up to Yosemite falls, the highest falls in North America - there are tonnes of falls here at the moment because of the runoff from melting snow. The volume of water is incredible man, when it hits the ground it mists and foams up.

We've seen loads of squirrels and chipmonks but no bears or racoons yet. Heather says that when she came here when she was younger she saw a racoon and it was a brazon racoon swaggering round through the tents - so the hunts on for the Brazon Racoon!!.

Caught a bus to round to Yosemite village and had some food.

During the night a fella started shouting proper loud trying to scare a bear away. Shouting ' get lost bear, you're not welcome here, go away' There was no bears there he was just crying wolf or crying bear - Idiot - hope a bear gets him during the night!!

Saturday 25 April 2009


Off to Yosemite national park today for a few days. Drove a little out of the way so we could go via San Jose. I only wanted to go so I could say I'd been because of that song. I had to convince Heather taht the detour was worth it, dont think she's a big fan of Bacharach! The sat nav took us to the centre of San Jose which was a car park but I officially know the way to San Jose and thats all I wanted out of the 100 mile detour!!!!!!

Got back on the correct road to Yosemite. Drove on a 7 lane highway. 7 lanes man, on both sides on the road so that makes it 14 across, dont you think thats a bit excesive!! I guess we are near San Francisco but I bet they rarely use all 14 lanes!!

En route we saw what must have been the biggest lorries on earth. You know them big chunky cabs that look typically American, proper hardcore trucks. It was like being followed by Optimus Prime. I cant imagine an Eddy Stobbard having a go at Megatron like!!!

Got to the entrance to the Yosemite National Park and got loads of maps and that. You have to lock up all your food in Bear lockers as there are Black Bears here that come looking for food, Also they've got Mountain Lions. They saw if you're attacked by one to fight back! Imagine that? Fighting a blumming Mountain Lion?

Started seeing snow on the ground as we got higher into the park. Strange as its red hot, 85 degree F.

Yosemite Valley is amzing man, I reckon its the most amazing place on earth!! Drove passed El CApitan, Half Dome and Yosemite falls - all pretty spectacular!!

We're staying in a canvas tent for 3 nights in a campsite in Curry village set inbetween massive Redwoods - Its proper class, making me feel like a kid again, feels like proper camp America. And with the risk of being eaten by some wild aminal, it makes it pretty exciting to be here.

Went for some beers in Curry Village which was a mistake, as eventually I had to break the seal and was going for a wee every 1/2 a pint. The nearest toilet to the tent is a walked in the dark away. So with the Bears about I'm trying to fashion some kind of chamber pot!!!!!


Woke up top 95 degree F sunshine and blue skies. Went down to have a look at the beach to see what the crack was. There's a beautiful white sanded beach full of people playing volley ball and sunbathing, exactly what you'd expect from a surfing USA californian beach! We walked through the Boardwalk which is Santa Cruz's version of Blackpool pleasure beach only out of date.

We sat in some shade for a while and played spot redneck in the Boardwalk which turned into the 'Look at the size of him' game

Walked up Pacific Ave and had a wonder round. Its a gorgeous town centre. Had a few coffees, some food and just chilled out in Santa Cruz for the afternoon.

I did have to buy some $3 undies from the sale in Gap as my kegs are close to dissolving soon. Only brought 4 pairs with me and life on the raod has taken its toll on me duds. Tried them on back at the motel and they're massive man!! They're the right size only huge, nearly come down to me knees, proper Ghandi pants - I guess they'll have to do!!!


Said goodbye to Sue and Bill early on as we've got a canny drive up the west coast to Santa Cruz today. Was great to see Bill and Sue and spend some time with them, shame we could only have one evening!!

Set off on the 101 again from S. Barbara to Moro Bay then got on the #1 that took us along the cliff hugging roads of Big Sur. Loads of windy roads that follow the coast for about 100 mile. Having an automatic really helped as all you were left to do was speed up and slow down. You dont even have to thing about it. I bet a chimp could drive an automatic. Worked out that the car has got Sirius radio, DBA, so we've got over 200 radio stations with crystal clear reception plus BBC Radio 1 which is delayed to New York time so we're 3 hours out so no Moyles unless we get up at 3am!!!!!

Big Sur is an amazing stretch of coast and is stunning. Probably the best drive since we've been away. Had the Thrills playing on the stereo for the whole 100 mile. Quality man!!!
There was this weird black sea fret hanging about then as we climbed higher it turned to thick white fog and fully covered the sea and half way up the cliffs. We were above it so it felt like you were looking down on the clouds. Eventually it burned off and we got an amazing view of the Pacific!!!

Stopped to take a photo and this little Chipmonk came running over and I fed him a ham sandwich which he took straight out me hand and sat there whilst he eat the lot.

After leaving Big Sur we drove through Monteray and onto Santa Cruz.

Found our motel using the Sat Nav, which is brilliant although its runs about 5 seconds too slw so we've missed a couple of turn off's.

Got to Santa Cruz after dark so we got directions to some food from the sat nav and carried it in me pocket as we walked down the streets.

Went to Jack in the Box, a fast food chain that I hope comes over the England. I had 3 Yipee Ky-yay Mini Sirloin burgers!! We'd seen the advert on the tele and I became a little obsesed with it. In the advert they have these midgets riding mini sirloin horses rounding up mini sirloin cattle and it has a proper catchy mini sirloin song that got us to go and taste these mini sirloin burgers - Quality!!!


Had an early breakfast in the million dollar bay cafe again! Strange thing happened right; got a missed call from an unknown number at 4am and then the same at 8am which I managed to answer with really bad reception. It was a guy from Stuff magazine thanking me for entering a competition back in december then it cut out and he never rang back - so I dont know if Ive won or what - gutted!!!

Drove out of L.A. via the Hollywood sign. Hollywood is a strange place but I like it a lot. Two days if plenty enough like. Drove up highway 101 to Santa Barbara, where we're staying with Heathers Aunty Sue and Uncle Bill. We met Sue for a soup lunch and a chat then she had to return to her Jury Duty in the afternoon. So we had a nosey round Santa Barbara. Its a lovely place Santa Barbara. It was red hot and clear blue skies.

In the evening we wnet to Bill and Sues house. We all went out for dinner in the evening and we were treated to an amazing meal. I had Mahi Mahi which was unbelievable and this hemp beer which was good. We had some good crack and good chat. Bill gave us some advice on which routes to take on the rest of our time in California. Top night!!


Went for a $5 breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast in the cafe that they film Million dollor bay round the corner from our hostel. Then got on one of those sight seeing buses. It took us all round Hollywood. Saw Melrose ave, Rodeo drive, Paramount Pictures, Chateau Marmont, Viper Rooms (Jonny Depps night club where River Pheonix died) Whiskey a go-go, House of Blues, Sunset Blvd, the Hollywood sign, Capital records, tonnes of stuff man, this town is pretty cool!!

In the afternoon we went to see Observe and Report, Seth Rogans new film, in the Chinese theatre. Before we went in they were rolling out the red carpert at the front of the theatre. Looks like somethings occuring tonight!!!!!!

Film was class. Came out about 7:30pm and walked passed the red carpert. All the lights were on and the press were all lined up and people were arriving. Then Drew Barrymore pulls up outside in a big black car and the crowd and press go absolutely mental!! Its the premier of Grey Gardens. We were swiftky ushered to the other side of the road to watch from a distance then she runs across the road to see all the fans lined up. We were literally a couple of feet away from her - she was absolutely gorgeous man!!!! How cool is that!!!!!

Watch her doing interviews and that for about 1/2 hour. Also saw the other girl whose in it but didnt reckognise her, Jessica something!! After the crowd dispersed we saw a film crew going passed the Theatre and was told they were fiming for an episode of Entourage!!! What a mad town!!

Went for some Guiness in a bar on Hollywood Blvd right opposite the red carpert. Was hoping Drew would come in for a pint after her show!! Heather said I could ask her out if she did!!
She didn't!!!!


Got picked up by a bus @3:30 in the AM to take us to the airport. Slept on plane and watched bedtime stories - its alright!!

LAnded in L.A. in a bit of a daze. Got a bus to the car rental place and picked up our car. We got an all American chevy that I'm planning on driving to a levy when I find out what one is!!! Its canny nippy but its an automatic and Ive never really driven one before so me left leg is always looking for a clutch and finding a brake instead. Add that to the fact we're driving on the right hand side of the road in the middle of L.A. and we've got a problem. First road I drove on I went straight for the left hand lane.

Found our hostel which is just off Hollywood Blvd and smells of cats wee!! Dumped our stuff and went for a gander round Hollywood. We're litterally 1 minute away from the walk of fame and another minute from the Chinese theatre where they have red carpet premiers and all the hand and feet prints of the stars are set in cement - pretty cool that like!!!

Went for a McDonalds on Hollywood Blvd and noticed that they had a massive security guard in there and was fully armed with an automatic weapon!! A flippin gun in McDonalds!!! I wonder if its incase the HamBurgler turns up!!!!

Spent a couple of hours wandering round. Once dark the whole place lights up like a Christmas tree, every building has flashing neon lights that makes it feel more like a theme park rather than a town!! There's even a King Kong coming out of the roof of some news agents or other!!!!

I'll tell you something else for free, there's some strange folk in Hollywood!!!

There are the ranters who sit alone and constantly chunter to themselves and then scream at passers by about goodness knows what!!! There are the wannabee actors who dress up as the rich and famous and then walk the streets trying to get recognised. We saw Superman, Spiderman, Marolyn Monroe, Jack Sparrow, Chucky (played by an real life midget) Jesus, Gene Simons and endless others. Then there's the just plain crazy, mad as custard the lot of them, they walk around shouting and bothering people. You cant even work out what they want from you or even if they want anything at all!!

Another good thing here is that you dont seem to get I.D'd for alcohol here. Either they're not bothered or I'm starting to look over 40!!!!


Had one last look round Honolul and packed up ready for the off tomorrow. Flying to the mainland. Went for some food and beers in the evening at the bar with 60 odd beers on tap. I had me first ever taste of Lobster. It was on a surf and turf burger like, but was beautiful!!

They make it pretty hard to buy alcohol here, they I.D. every one who looks under 40 so it mean having to take out your passports everywhere and unless your sitting at the bar you get I.D'd every pint - just slows things down man. Tonight we had to cane it as we've got a 3am rise in the morning so drinking tonight was medicinal!!!

Tuesday 14 April 2009


The sun has definately had his hat on these last couple of days, in fact I bet he's had to take it off as its so hot. Thats probably where he's been since we got here, sheltering from his own heat in doors somewhere!!

Spent the last couple of days on the beach. Its absolutely gorgeous here, sun, sea, surf, palm trees, white sandy beaches. Exactly how you imagine what Hawaii would look like. Even saw some Hula girls dancing and guys playing Ukulele's!!!!! Fantastic!!!!

I'll risk saying something a bit controversial here but I think I hate the beach!! (Surely not!!) Dont get me wrong, I do love the beach and love being on it but I hate sunbathing on a beach and I'll tell you for why!! You get there, lube up and it takes about 10 seconds for either the wind to blow or someone to walk passed you before you resemble an ice cream covered in 100's and 1000's. So you spend hours grating your skin away covered from head to arse crack to toe in sand. Plus people on the beach take sunbathing far too seriously man! They rotate themselves like bronze pigs on spits just to get an even tan!!! Insanity! Any tan I get is gone within a week out of the sun so whats the point in torturing yourself!! Whilst Im being honest Im not the biggest fan of the brine either - ever seen Jaws? Well I have!

Rant over!

Seriously though had a nice couple of days relaxing and chilling out. Perfect!!!!


We'd decided that we'd got to Pearl Harbour today since its been cloudy and rainy since we got here nearly. Woke up to bright blue skies and scorching sun!!!!

Caught a bus to Pearl Harbour about an hour away from Waikiki. Cued for a free ticket to the USS Arizona memorial which was for two hours later that day so we went for a look round the Harbour. Paid $10 to go aboard the USS Bowfin submarine which was pretty cool!!

Went for a real American hotdog while we waited and watched this fat American kid eat a massive bowl of nacho's like they were going out of fashion. He was reading a comic at the same time but every nacho took up his whole attention. He'd slam one into his massive gob then he couldn't believe his luck when he saw that he had some left. Then another nacho would fall victim to his greedy chops. He looked like this was the happiest moment in his whole life. We watched him until he'd finished the lot as he looked so happy. Then disaster struck. He'd eaten his last nacho without realising it and when he reached for his next mouthfull and saw they were all gone he looked proper upset and I thought he was going to cry - Hilarious!!!!!

Our time came to go to the memorial, we watched a documentry of the Japanese attack showing actual footage from 1941. It must have been terrible man!! Then we were taken by boat the the sunken USS Arizona, which lies beneith the water. Its was left submerged where it was as a memorial to the 900 souls still trapped inside the ship, I guess as a kind of grave.

The Nacho Kid was on our boat and he was looking utterly dejected. I think he was still remembering his last nacho moment rather than mourning the dead -God Bless him!!!

Strange thing. There was hardly any Japanese at Pearl Harbour. I'd thought they must be so many in Honolulu so they could visit Pearl Harbour but there was only a handfull there. They must just be here for the shops and the beaches. Guess I'll never find out? I wonder if for some reason they think that the Pearl Harbour campaign was successful and that they now occupy Hawaii?!? Who knows?!?!


Cloudy and rainy again today - sob sob!!!! Unless you like to shop a lot, there aint much to do in Honolulu on a cloudy day so we went to the zoo.

It was canny good like, saw some Tigers and Elephants and Monkeys and Giraffes. The best were the Hippos, you could go half underground and half above ground so you could see them swimming and coming up for air. They left the best till last, the Chimps were class! Shame it was raining as half of them stayed sheltered under a tree but a few of them were playing and that. They're nearly Human!!


Cant remember too much about today, Jet lag has won!! Slept in till after midday as it was cloudy and rainy!! Had a look around the town and the shops. They are all designer shops, Macy's, Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Tiffany's all like that. Bought a rough guide for California to plan the last leg of our Tour of Duty!

One thing thats strange is that there seems to be a very high percentage of Japanese tourists here. I bet 8 out of 10 people you pass on the street are Japanese. I cant work out why there are so many! The shops? Pearl Harbour? Heather reckons its just because its probably the closest place to Japan for them to come for a holiday. A lot of the restaurants and shops are set up for the Japanese with Japanese signs and menu's. Weird man! Forgive and forget I guess!!!!!!

Watched a bit of cable TV - which actually makes my teeth hurt!! Its painful man! We have 34 channels and about 3 of them are watchable. The rest are constant loops of paid broadcasts, 1/2 hour long adverts for steak knives, 15 minute long adverts for prescription drugs, burger adverts, Judge Judy show, Judge David show, Judge who ever show (I've counted 6 different Judge someone shows all set in a court room sorting out petty $50 arguments between neighbours - pathetic) Dont get me started on the talk shows, the late show, the late late show, the late late late show, David Letterman, Jimmy Falon, Jimmy Kimmel, Jay Leno, dozens of them - all total Gash!!!!
One saving grace is that House seems to be revered as a small god over here and is on four times a day - quality!! After that there's The Simpsons, Family Guy, Friends and Tool Time to save American tele some face!!!

God Bless the BBC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please forgive any wayward, intolerable, gloomy things I may have said above. I dont know where I am, what day it is and why the sun is out at night time! Apologies!


Re-living Tuesday 7th April today. I'm sure theres some weight in the 'crossing the date line again and turning back time' argument! One day!!

Cleared imigration and customs after a bag search. The fellas on the desk are proper aggressive.
'What are your intensions in the USA?' 'Where are you planning on going whilst in the USA?' ' What buisness do you have in the USA?' ' When are you leaving the USA?' ' Have you got anything you shouldnt have hidden inside your bottom?'

It automatically makes you defensive and then when they realise you're good, they transform into the nicest people youre ever likely to meet! 'Thats it buddy, you have a wonderful stay and welcome to the USA' - Bizzare!!

Got to the hotel at about 8am which was about 2am in me head, managed to get a couple of hours kip on the plane but we'll see where the Jet Lag takes us!!!
Suprisingly our room wasnt ready at 8am so we dumped our backpacks and went for a scout round Waikiki beach and Honolulu. The sun has got his hat on today! Its absolutley roasting with clear blue skies.
We got a tram taht does a loop of Honolulu to kill some time and get our barings. We realised that there were a few different loops and we'd got on the shopping mall route. So we saw all of Honolulu's shopping centres and car parks!!! Got our barings though and went to check into the hotel.
We got upgrade to a better room, something to do with the fact that we booked directly through the hotel! Anyway we've got a sea view and two, count them TWO balconies, one facing the beach and the other facing the town. Its a corner room so its massive, two double beds, cable TV and en suite - nice!

Jet Slags winning a bit - had to have a kip in the afternoon. Watched the build up to the Masters which is on this weekend. They're getting pretty excited about it - they've even got a whole channel called the golf channel and all they're talking about is the Masters - Good Times!!!

Forced ourselves to go for food and found a great way to stay awake - we got on the ale! Found a bar that has about 60 draught beers!! Even had Newcastle Brown!!!!


Last day in NZ today, off to drop the car off and catch a flight to Sydney then on to Honolulu. New Zealand has been awesome man!!! We drove 3878km in total. Four weeks isnt enough here, two months would have been perfect. We did see pretty much everything we wanted to see and have been blown away by this country.

Heather did get her skirt changed and we managed to drop the car off in time so the double yolker fullfilled its vow!!

Flight - Sydney - Two hours in airport - Flight to Honolulu

The time difference is weird, we've crossed the date line so have gone back in time a day.
Set off from Auckland at 9am on Tuesday then a 3 hr flight, 2 hr in airport, and a 9 hr flight and arrived at 7am on Tuesday - The same day!!!!! So we've arrived before we have even set off!

Wonder what would happen if you could go round the world and cross the date line again? Would you go back to Monday?? I'm sure I remember watching Superman turning back time by crossing the date line loads of times - Imagine that!!

Looking forward to Hawaii like, we've got a week in Honolulu and it'll be so good just to be in one place for more than two days. A bit of time to take stock, get a haircut and chill out in the sun!!!

Wednesday 8 April 2009


What a cool place Auckland is man!!!

Went for breakfast on the K Road, which feels a bit like Camdon, a bit rough but well cool. Had poached eggs on toast and I got a double yolker!!!!!! Never had a double yolker before. The fella said that meant I'd have a lucky day today!!!!

Had a mooch round K road and no word of a lie we saw a shop called 'LUCKY MART' - havin' that like!!!

Had a lucky walk round town, Heather found a skirt in one of the shops, which I guess was lucky as that meant no more skirt shopping!!!

We jumped on a bus that did a circuit of the city, so we just stayed on it and rode the bus all the way round - quick way to see the whole city!

Went up the sky tower and got the 360 degree view of the city - Lovely stuff!

Went back to the hostel to clear the car out and pack up all our gear as we're dropping the car off tomorra. Heathers button fell off her new skirt!! Whats going on? Its supposed to be a lucky day - I should have given her one of the lucky yolks! Went in to town for tea and the skirt shop was closed. Hopefully the luck will carry over to tomorrow and she'll be able to get it changed. We have to be at the airport at 10 am to drop the car off or face a late fine. Fingers and yolks crossed.

Monday 6 April 2009


We said goodbye to Anya and the kids around lunch time and set off for Auckland. Our last long drive in New Zealand. Checked in late afternoon and had a looksee round the city. Auckland is a cool city man!! I love it here!! We walked round the quay side. I got to have a look at the moon through a massive telescope that these chaps had set up and the quayside. Went for food and then found a bar with an Irish fella playing guitar - he was pretty good!!!!!!!


Had a good day today. Chilled out in the morning and watched saturday morning tele with Emily, Anya's eldest. Then Anya came back home from Andrews football game.

In the afternoon we went to Ohope beach where the kids surfed and we had a walk along the beach. Walked up the cliff with the kids and we found a dead blue penguin!!!

Its a lovely place Whakatane, dead layed back and chilled out. Anya says her boss, an optom, regularly blocks out an afternoon of tests to go golfing or hunting or to play squash!! Thats the way to live man!!!! I bet people here live a lot longer than back in Britain. The airs is fresher, the fruit and veg taste better, the pace of life is less hectic, the people are more active and happier. It makes Leeds look terrible .

Spent the evening chatting and watching DVD's, which was class, we've both missed just having a night in the house!!!!

Sunday 5 April 2009


We're off to visit Heather's mate Anya today, who now lives in Whakatane. We're staying for a couple of nights with her and her two kids.

Spent most of the day in Rotorua. The thing with Rotorua is that because of all the sulphur pools and volcanic steam coming out the ground, the whole place stinks of rotten eggs!!!!!
Spent a couple of hours watching about 40 old ladies play Crown green bowls in the government gardens. It was quality!!! They were all either call Ethel or Maud!!! The gardens are beautiful with old bath houses, croquet lawns, tennis courts and bowling greens, a stunning place with the floral bouquet of eggy farts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drove to Whakatane to Anya's house, its a canny big bungalow with a double garage, which I was canny jelous of, Id love a single gargae never mind a doubler!!!!! Spent the evening chatting with Anya and the kids, had a blast on the play station. Showed them our photos so far, I felt sorry for Anya as there are thousands of them man, the kids lasted about 10 minutes!!!!!!!


Had a canny day today!!! Got up early and went to a volcanic area of Rotorua, there is a geyser called Lady Knox there that they set off each day at 10am. So we got seated and the fella poured soap powder into its cone and it took about 5 minutes for it to erupt!! The water and steam went about 20m high - crazy!!
Spent a couple of hours walking round the track which took us round all the geysers, sulphur lakes and that! The colours of the lakes and rocks were unbelievable man!!

After that we drove to Rainbow Springs where they look after Kiwi birds and release them in to the wild when they're big enough to fend off stoats and that!! We got to see a pair of eggs brought in by some volenteers. Then some newly hatched Kiwi's and three big un's in the nocturnal house. They were well cool, they're bigger than chickens and have long thin beaks and are quite agressive, which we were shocked at since everywhere you go here there are pictures or cartoons of fluffy cute kiwi's but in reality they're swines!!! But were canny cute like!!!

They had a wild life park here as well where you can walk around and see all sorts of native wild life. Best of all they've got massive trout: browns, blues, rainbows, american brook end even Tiger trout (cross between brown and brook) They were mint! The Rainbows have their own pool which can be accessed by the fish by a fish ladder, a small stream that they can swim up and down, which leads to the lake at Rotorua so they are free to come and go as they please. Brilliant!!!!

Had tea in the hostel kitchen. Pot Noodles and a bottle of the posh wine from the vinyard tour, the best wine to have with Pot Noodles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Didnt sleep well as I was too excited about fishing! Got up and checked out early and set off for the Waitahanui river which feeds lake Taupo. Stopped at a different tackle shop for some different flies as the one's the chap gave me yesterday didnt fill me with much hope. The guy in the new tackle shop was much more helpful and said that river should be good sport. He did warn me that they will be loads of Maori's fishing at the mouth and to avoid them as they class that river as Maori land but said not to worry!!!!! On arrival at the car park near the river we saw a painted sign saying 'MAORI LAND KEEP OUT' so I set off, leaving Heather with the car, bricking me self. I started fishing near the carpark just incase I needed a quick get away!!!

First fisherman I saw was a massive Maori guy fishing up and down the river. Im totally cacking it now!! After about 1/2 hour of no luck the Maori fella comes towards me, I nearly die of fright. Then he smiles and says ' any luck?' We chatted for a while and he gave me some advice and a few flies and was the nicest guy ever!!!!! We both fished the same stretch for an hour or so and had a canny chat.

Fished a bit further inland for an hour or two. Crystal clear streams that didnt yeild any fish. In fact I couldnt even see any in the stream so I dont know why I stayed so long to fish it! So I went back to the mouth of the river and met me marra again, he hadnt caught owt either so made me feel a bit better for blanking!!!

Drove on to Rotorua after dropping me gear back off at the shop. Had a wander round Rotorua in the afternoon then went to a Belgiun bar for muscles and a Snitzel to consol me self after blanking!!!!!!


Had breakfast in town and took some photos of the Art Deco buildings which are pretty spectacular. The whole town was re-built in that style after it was flattern by an earthquake not so long ago when it was a modern style of architeture.

Drove about 150km on a solitary road to Taupo, the trout capital of New Zealand. All over the town are statues, images and shrines to the mighty trout and rightly so. All the guide books say ' A trip to Taupo is not complete without fishing for trout' or ' Get out on the lake and catch a trout' It didnt take much to convince me. So I had a read and it recommends hiring a guide to take you out either on the lake or one of the rivers. For a guide it costs $300-500 which is about 100-175 quid for half a day. Forget that!!!!!! So I hired some gear from a fella in a tackle shop, got me licence and all the info I needed and planned me own day for tomorrow for less than 25 pund!!!! Thats more like it!!!!!

Went back to meet Heather at the hostel and showed her all me gear and told her me plans - I could tell she was facinated!!!

We cooked tea in the hostel kitchen and had a rare night in front of the tele, watched friends, neighbours, corry and a new episodes of house - great stuff!!!!!

Wednesday 1 April 2009


Didnt go fishing - Sams number had smudged in me sleep. Dont think I'd trust those two lads sober!!

At Midday we'd booked onto a winery tour. We visited 3 wineries and a cheesery which was proper mint. Saw all the Vinyards which are being harvested at the minute so all the vines are bursting with fruit. Saw the processing side of it which was canny interesting - pretty simple, possibly not as intricate as making beer. Best part was each place we visited we got to sample their wares.

I could get into wine drinking and tasting but there's too many inconsistancies in wine for me!! With beer you can taste a stout, a bitter, a wheat beer, a larger and tell the differnce between the type but then appreciated the differences between say, two bitters from different breweries. With wine there are too many different types and vinyards to understand!!! Two Savigon Blancs from differnt vinyards taste totally different to me but a savignon blanc and a chardonay could be the same wine. It probably my untrained taste buds like, but I'd like to get into it. Really enjoyed the day. There were a couple wine buffs, younger than us, in the group who were giving it ' I prefer Malbourogh Savignon Blancs over these Hawks bay Savvys' All I knew is that it tasted good and I guess thats all that matters really. I bet wine drinking would be more popular if people were less snobby about it and took it less seriously! At the end of the day its just a drink, there to be drunk and enjoyed.

Give me half a bottle of Blue Nun and we'll call it even!!!!!!!!


Arrived mid afternoon in Napier and checked into Wally's hostel run by a fella from Darlington who looked like Steve McClaren and had a similar mental state as him. He was proper loco man, he just kept talking and seemed to know everything about everything. I kept expecting him to turn on a Dutch accent like McClaren did after being in Holland for a week talking to the British press. After an hour of listening to his ramblings he gave us the key.

Wandered round Napier, one of the largest Art Deco towns in the world, dead pretty!!

Went for a drink in the evening and turned into a pretty eventful night!!

Met a very drunk Kiwi guy in a bar who we got chatting to, who phoned his mate to come down. Had a good laugh with them two, Sam the drunk one, had a marker pen and liked to draw willy's of everything. At one point he came back from the toilet and said to me 'Ive drawn you a picture in there' It was a four foot willy drawn on one of the walls. The bar staff and bouncers were very tolerable of him as they didnt kick him out. It was a water soluable pen so they just kept wiping away his artwork off all the surfaces he could get his pen near. He was a good laugh like! He's big into fly fishing so we had plenty to talk about, His mate, Nathan, was a fishing guide and a hunter - he'd shot a deer that morning!!! We got talking to these Ozzy girls and the alds offered to take us all fishing the next morning. Sam in his drunken state txted his boss saying ' NOT COMIN IN TOMORROW TAKING THE ENGLISH FISHING' He wrote his number on my forearm which his marker then got it took off him by the bouncer.

Now the bouncer is another set of stories all together, he was the size of Hulk Hogan but had the face of some one who was bullied alot as a kid - he showed me a scar on his Bicep where he'd ripped it open punching someone!!

Higlight of the evening: Sam got his fly rod out of his Eute (which he planned to drive home even though he'd already lost his licence for drink driving) loaded the rod with line and was showing the girls how to cast in the middle of the road. Nathan then grabs the end of the line and said 'this is what a trout does' and then legged it full pelt down the road for about a block and a half with Sam trying to reel him in!!!! Proper nutters but well funny!!!!


Had a $5 breakfast at an Irish bar which set us up for a good days walking round the city. Wandered round the shops for a bit, then walked and saw the parliment buildings. Round the harbour. Had a look at the Te Papa museum - where we saw a colosal squid on display. Wasnt taht colosal like. I was expecting the Kracken but it was about 3 meters. Caught the cable car up to the botanical gardens and university area. Wandered back down into the city. Stopped for about an hour to watch a cricket game. It was red hot, clear skys and it was class just sitting there watching the cricket.

Went for a few drinks and food at Wagamamas. At 8:30pm New Zealand had 'Earth Hour' where places were supposed to turn off their lights for an hour. Wagamamas didnt as we left but the pub we went to after did so we drank the night away in candle light!!!!!


Had a walk into town to book a hostel in Wellington for the next couple of nights. Turns out all the hostels are full for tonight!! We think its because The Kings of Leon are in town tonight. After about 8 knock backs we got our selves some where to saty, an ex halls of residence, Im thinking tiny beds and sinks to wee in!!!!!!

Drove the car onto the ferry, it took 3 hours, 1 hour through Marlborough sounds, 1 hour on choppy open sea and 1 hour into Wellington. Saw Dolphins swimming alongside the ferry as we left Marlborough sounds!!!

Drove off and into Wellington, found the halls, went for a walk round town, most places were closed by this time but still had a canny time wandering round the city. Wellington can definately call its self a city. Its pretty big!

Found a cool bar attatched to a brewery.


Nowt much to report on today. Just drove from Montueka to Picton where we'll get the ferry to the North Island tomorrow.

We had the choice of going a short distance on a yellow road (minor road) or a much longer distance on a red road (major road) We went for the short yellow road and regretted the decision all the way to Picton.

Always go Red!!! Always!!! When you buy tomatoes you buy red ones not yellow ones!! Same with peppers! You know where you stand with red stuff! A yellow traffic light, do I slow down or speed up. A red traffic light I stop, its safe, you can trust it!!! Always go with red roads, Dorothy chose a yellow road and look what happened with her, she ended up killing two women. If I fell down and cut me self and red stuff comes out, I'm happy in the knowledge my body is working and its just blood. If yellow stuff comes out either I've got a bad blood disease or I'm Ming the Mercyless (or was that green blood) See!!!! confusion already. Always go red!!!!!!!!!

The yellow road was an hour and a hlafs worth of consecutive hairpin bends, apart from making us feel a bit ill, it gave the feeling that you were skiing in a car and made me feel a bit reckless!!! Got there eventually and Picton was spinning!!!!!

Checked into Tombstone hostel, named after the graveyard it sits in!!!! The doors where coffin chaped and the keys had skulls on them. I hope I dont see any red stuff tonight!!

Seriously though, this is probably the best hostel we've stayed in, incredibly friendly, laid back, tele rooms, pool tables, spa's and not over busy. Quality!!!!


Early start, got picked up by a Kiwi fella called Luke (who'd become the first reason I felt like a returning Jedi today) Got aboard a sea taxi (big speed boat) which took us to Onetooti beach in the north of the marine park. Got kitted out and shown how to drive the two man kayak's. They had peddals in the back seat that turned a rudder which made stearing alot easier.

Set off on the open sea to Tonga Island and got to go within 20meters of the fur seal colony. The massive Bull seals make the strangest noise (not unlike Chewbacca) A few seals swan upto our Kayak which was well good to see them that close up. we paddled for a couple of hours to Bark Bay where we left the kayaks and the two of us walked part of the Abel Tasman trek back to Torent bay. The path goes through the dense forest of Abel Tasman (exactly like the forest moon of Endor) Didnt see any Ewoks like but Im sure I heard a couple of them having a chat. Also some birds must have watched the films as one of them was doing a hellish R2D2 impression.

So that confirms it: I was on the forest moon of Endor with the Ewoks and R2D2 trying to Randez vous with a guy called Luke. Coincidence!!!????!!!! Thus I am a Jedi Knight!!

Met back with young Skywalker who took us back to our hostel. Quality day!!!!!!!


Hung over we checked out and drove back through Richmond and spend an hour there. Drove onto Motueka just outside Abel Tasman national park.

Hostels canny but there are loads of Argentianians here who are working picking fruit but who all seem to talk at the volume of jumbo jets. One lass, a great whale of a girl, did not close her mouth once, just jabbered away in Spanish, so loud the North Island could have heard her across the sea. When she had nothing left to say she banged out drum beats on the table and her thunderous thighs with her dustbin lids for hands. Man, she drove me round the bend!!!

Checked out the town, bought some food and cooked it in 'the kitchen of a thousand decibels'

Up early the morn for sea kayaking in the national park!!


Wandered round Nelson most of the day, taking it easy and chilling out. Booked a sea kayak trip in Abel Tasman.

Ended up back at the hostel late afternoon, went for fish and chips and then back to the Sprig and Fern to try and sample the rest of the beers!!

Back at the hostel we opened a bottle of wine and went to see what was occuring. Got chatting to these Canadians who were canny funny. Some one had left a pan boiling on the hob and after about 1/2 hour it boiled dry and filled the kitchen with smoke so we went to the magic bus in the garden. I think the idea is you go in there to chat instead of annoying the neighbours. They should call it the hash bus as there was a blue haze coming out of all the windows!!!!

Got talking to this Dutch girl and the Canadian said that we had similar accents and for some reason I said that we were related! "really?" he said and I put me arm around her and said 'yeah, she's my. . . '
The word sister was there on me tongue waiting to come out but what actually came out was
' Mam'
She didnt like that. Not one bit. She went mental!!!!!
Turns out she is my age - wupps!!! She must have had a canny tough paper round like, as she looked twice her age!! Canny night though!

Thursday 26 March 2009


Set off from Greymouth early as it was Sunday and everywhere was closed!! Drove through more rainforest. Passed through Wakefield and Richmond untill we reached the northern shores of the ssouth island. The beaches are long and white with prominades running paralelle, made it look like sunset strip in LA, loads of joggers and roller bladers. Speedo and bikini's gallaw!!!!!

Arrived in Nelson which is a great town, canny big and has a good atmosphere to it.

We both had a love relationship with our hostel. It was dirty, noisy, too many people there to use any facilities and full of trendies who thought they were right on!!!!! I wouldnt have minded hitting a few of them from behind with a rather large stick!!!!!! But on the other side of the coin there were some canny folk and we had some decent crack with some Canadians and Americans and this English hippy who lived on a river boat!!!!!

Had a walk round Nelson and then back to chill out at the hostel. Sat round the pool as it was pretty warm. They've got a magic bus that sits in the garden to chat in!!!!

Found the best pub in the world, The Sprig and Fern, just down the road from the hostel. It was a TAsman brewery pub and had all there beers on tap. There was about 20 beers, stout, porters, brown ales, bitters, pale ales, wheat beers and they were proper nice beers as well!! Stayed there till they closed. Got free scones off of the bar maid for breakfast tomorrow!!!!!

Wednesday 25 March 2009


Chewbacka and her friend got up before the sun this morning to catch the Kiwi-bus, doesnt sound like fun by all accounts of it!!!!!!

We booked on a guided trek up F.Josef glacier today. We were out for about 5 hours and with about 2 1/2 hours on the ice. Walking up to it, passed the public barriers, it looks big but when you got up to the face of the thing its just incredible. Not only because its so so big but that it is there at all as at the face it was about 15 degrees c and in summer it gets to 30 degrees. The surrounding rainforest either side of the glacier gets 5 meters of rain a year, which I thought was a heck of a lot of precipitation but at the summit of the glacier it gets 50 meters. Obviously this all falls as snow and thats what feeds the glacier and ables it to exist so close to sea level and not to completely melt away in summer.

Our guide, Pick Axe John, reckons it moves about 2-4 meters a day, somedays it advances but mostly it retreats, which I thought was a lot but had to believe him as he's the one that goes up first thing each morning to carve out new steps as the glacier moves so much - its like its alive man, breathing its way up and down the valley.

We strapped on our crampons and climbed the ice, we did a big loop of the glacier. Back in the valley, from a distance, we saw we'd hardly climbed any height at all, its that big.

Back in the village we jumped in the car and drove to Greymouth. Got here canny late but managed to check in ok. Its called Noahs Ark, all the rooms are named after animals. We got Elephants, Ive never seen so many pictures and status of elephants all in one place - felt like I was in a stampeed!!!!


Longest and best drive so far today, left Queenstown no sign of Hiedi!! Stopped at Wanaka en route, nowt much there and headed straight for Franz Josef. Drove passed tonnes of vinyards, loads of them, they must take a canny bit of looking after!!!! Passed a cliff that they'd just blasted to prevent falling rocks. Drove through the Alps, across Haast pass and into the rainforest.
Now get this right, the west coast gets 5 meters of rain a year!! Now thats mad isnt it? London gets 600mm so here thats 5000mm. So what you get is proper lush rainforest.
Drove along the coast and stopped and saw stacks of pebbles balancing on top of each other, about 6-7 high, hundreds of them, so we built one and set off again.

Stopped at Fox glacier and walked as close to the terminal face as we could. Its honestly huge, the face its self is massive, I reckon Empire State size easily. Then it snakes its way up the valley that it has created for its self. It wasnt as blue and clear as Id imagined, I had imagined looking at a Foxes Glacier Mint but it was pretty dirty from all the top soil that gets blown from the surrounding mountains.

Checked into our hostel in F.Josef by a young Roy Keane look a like, even had the grey beard. We're in a shared dorm with two girls from Cambridge, the Ginger one snored all night like an angry bear. She was on top of me so I had to keep shaking the bunk and each time she woke up she went from angry bear to Chewbacka!!!!

Sunday 22 March 2009


Went jet boating on Shotover river. Got picked up in town in a mini bus which took us about an hour out of town to Skippers Canyon. This ride was proper scary, gravel roads with a 200m drop on one side. Rental cars are banned from driving on Skippers road as its that dangerous. It was well worth it to see the views. The driver told us all about the gold rush and the history of the area. He pointed out Mordor or the mountain used as Mordor in that film. I didnt recognise it from the film because they've taken down the massive CGI gates that the Hobbits sneek through!!!!!

Got to the Jet boat and had about 40 minutes up and then back down a stretch of the river, which is only 4 inch in some places but the boats can still motor over it. It was proper mad!!! The driver stopped and showed us another place they filmed which was cool as I could recognise it. After we went up to the original Bungy bridge, which is now closed as its not high enough!!!! Drove back in a massive 4x4 Tank called Thunderbird 1.

Went up the Gondola to the peak, had a razz on the luge go-carts down the track which was well good!!!

Went for a drink that turned into a few which turned into a kebab which turned into another night on the Guiness. Ended up in this Irish bar with an open mic night. I had a bash and they let me do 5 songs, I played a few Oasis and Jam tunes with bongo player and a ginger Bez, he just stood behind me dancing and playing a tambourine. Celebrity guest included none other than Sienna Miller, she was in the crowd and going mad for town called mallace!!!!!! Im havin' that like!!!!!!!!!!!


Packed the car up and waited for Heidi to show, we've agreed to take her to Queenstown, She seems to be making her travel plans around us as she gets a free lift places. But we'll see how it goes. I tried to educate her on the finer points of British culture: Oasis B-sides, Russel Brand, Mighty Boosh, Ricky Gervais and the tribal warfare of North-eastern football. I played her a Russel Brand podcast and as fate would have it, it had to be the show where Russel talks about Hitler throughout the hour long show, putting on a dodgy German accent and says some close to the bone Germanic insults. She seemed to like it though, specifically when he took some herbal Viagra on air and then convinced Trigger off of Fools and Horses to take some as well!!!!!!

Its canny difficult to have any banter with her, Im starting to see where the German sense of humour rumours come from.

Had Ipod on shuffle and a Peril tune came on, so I asked her if she'd ever heard of The Peril, turns out she'd never heard of the North Easts finest band. I told her that the Peril were one of the biggest bands in Britain and spent about 15 minutes telling her facts and figures about The Perils back catalogue and how their lead guitarist got dramatically sacked for his lack of commitment to the band. The Peril has its first German fan I reckon!!!!!!

The drive was mint, passed the Devils staircase and Lake Wakatipu. Finally arrived in Queenstown, really busy town with load of backpackers, in fact probably makes up 80% of the towns population. The whole town revolves around adventure sports: Jet boating, sky diving, bungy jumping, gorge swings, anything you want to do to make your adrenal glands throw up!!!!

Heather wants to go Jet Boating which looks mental!!!

Dropped Heidi off at the hostel she wanted to stay at and waited for about 1/2 an hour till she'd checked in then went and found ours.


Drove to Milford Sound with Heidi on board.

Canny drive today, starting to enjoy driving now. I was honestly starting to worry that every town was going to be like the east coast, beautiful but devoid of human life. Worried that Id have memories of New Zealand as just having wonderful countryside but no character (on writing this we're in the north of the south Island and New Zealand I can happily say is amazing and full of character and good quality crack)

Back to Milford Sound, the road in stops at what looks like a dead end blocked by massive mountains then you drive through a tunnel dug straight through the mountain. We'd booked on a boat trip down the fiord to the sea and back again. It was an awesome thing to do. You sail on salt water at sea level and either side of the 1km wide fiord are mountains reaching over 2000m above you, some vertical cliff walls stretching to the sky. Makes you feel canny small and insignificant in the grand scheme!!!
I'm sure in Scotland, and Walshy will correct me if Im wrong, the Munro's are 1000m about sea level and these are over 2000m the biggest being 2723m. Mental man!!!

Wontong incident

Back in Te Anau we went out for Paddy's night, caned the black stuff and had a bit of a jig!! Heidi joined us for some drunken Anglo-German chat!!!!1
We orderd a basket of mixed fried pub food and I accidentally swallowed a crispy wontong whole!!!! It took about 20 minutes to scrape down me throat. It was agony man!!!! I can understand how those mountains felt when the glaciers scrapped rocks and boulders across them all those years ago. Finally the fascist wontong arrived in me stomach, whole still, and Im sure it plugged me stomach hole up because all the Guiness kept back filling me stomach. Needless to say I had the last laugh, it dissloved and I had it right off dot com!!!!!!!!



Arrived at Te Anau to beautiful weather and a beautiful place. Checked into hostel, we've started phoning ahead a day in advance as we were running into problems just turning up!!

Canny little town, there's people here, which is a relief, I was starting to think there'd been a nuclear holocaust and we'd were the only to survive.

Paid $2 to look in on a Trout observatory, it made me feel a bit sad for the Trout. You went underground to basically a big tank full of maybe 100 fish upto about 15lb, so big big fish, most had fins missing and all had scars all over them. The poor fish were far too overcrowded, no way to care for trout. If anyone had been around I think I'd have said me piece but it was a coin opperated turnstile. Shame!!! Best way is to give them plenty of space to live in before sticking a dirty great hook in their gobs!!!!!!!!

Warmed up tina pasta bake for the third day in a row and had a knock on the door from a German girl, travelling alone, called Bee, the name Heidi has stuck as I thought she was Swedish. Anyway she was trying to cadge a life to Milford Sound tomorrow, so we agreed to take her!!

The block we're in has two rooms and a kitchen and a bathroom. The walls are paper thin so we were kept entertained throughout the night with extreme toilet noises from our neighbours!!!!



Set of on the road again. Another day another town!!!!!! Another long slog of a drive today. Stopped about half way at a place called Nugget Point. A light house and nuggets of rocks sticking out of the sea. I think thats why they call it nugget point!!!

Drove the scenic route to Invercargill, beautiful scenery but bit of a long drive.

Driving is becoming a bit of a chore, we're driving about 4-5hours a day and pass maybe a dozen cars on the road. The scenery is amazing and if you have to drive for that long each day then thats the back drop you want to be looking at. The thing is, the destinations aren't all that!!!!! Every town we've been to since Christchurch have been proper one horse towns, each holding on dearly to the word town, I'd call them big empty villages or settlements. Not far from Queens town, probably 3 days or so, so hopefull see some other human beings soon.



Stopped en route at Moeraki to see the Moeraki stones, massive 2m diameter spherical stones. They were weird, they're just there all together, about 30 of them, all in one part of the beach but no where else. I reckon there's a conspiracy going on, like St Cuthberts beads on Holy Island, they can only be found on one beach. Someone put them there I reckon, I guess we'll never know the real agenda until the Lizard Kings eventually reveal themselves.

Dunedin is a bit busier, its a student town so we found a bit more life here.


Tekapo - Mt Cook

Drove round more windy roads with stunning mountains as a back drop. Still feels unreal, like a picture someone has just drawn on the sky. stopped at the fist sight of Mount Cook, with weird blue Lake Pukai. Carried on up the 50km one way road to Mt Cook village. We had to play an impromtue game of chicken with the fuel tank. We should have filled up earlier but thought there would be fuel pumps in Cook village. There wasnt!!!! So we had a sliver of the fuel gauge to play with and about 75km to the next town.

Mount Cook

There's not much in the village apart from a hotel and a track that takes you as near to the glacier and mount Cook as possible. We walked for about an hour to the foot of Mt Cook, which is massive, over 3000m.

Mount Cook - Twizel

Twizel has a petrol station and one Horse, thats it!!!!!!

Twizel - Oamaru

Long Slog of a drive to Oamaru, got there late afternoon and nothing was open, it was like a ghost town. We did, however, manage to see some blue penguins come in to shore, after a days fishing, we watched them for about an hour or two and saw about 30 of the little fella's come in.

(326km today)

Friday 13 March 2009



First official day on the road. Gonna aim for Lake Tekapo, if we dont reach it in time we'll aim for Geraldine.

Christchurch - Geraldine

Long straight roads that rip through the Canerbury plains, flat countryside curbed in the west by massive jaggered snow capped Alps.
Reached Geraldine in a couple of hours so we stopped for a bit and carried on to Lake Tekapo.
In Geraldine theres a fella whose made a replica of the Bayeux Tapestry using pieces of spring stell broken from knitting machines. He's even finshed the last 1/4 thats missing form the original in a way he thinks the story happend.

Geraldine - Lake Tekapo

Windy roads now and rolling hills like you see on the M6 going north towards the lakes. Looks a bit like the Yorkshire dales countryside here but greener. The grass is the greenest green Ive ever seen, grass like in the Teletubbies, Its so green it doesnt look real.

Passed Mt Sunday which was the location for Edoras in LOTR's

Fourth hostel in Lake Tekapo had some room to stay. Walked round the lake, which is an erie turquoise colour, its glacial melt water and is full of microscopic rock particals that give it its vibrant blue colour. Bluest blue Ive ever seen. The colours in NZ are inreal madn, it makes the scenery look like a cartoon its so perfect!!!!


Had a hang over lie in. Found a coffee shop and planned the next 2 1/2 weeks in the south island. We've got a rough idea of the route we're gonna take but we'll take it a day at a time and see what happens.

Christchurch is a lovely city, its canny small, even though its the biggest City in the South Island it has a small town feel. The buildings are olde worlde. Its canny cold here at the moment so good job we didnt get shot of all our China clothes, could have done with me thermals but they're in Hong Kong. I could easily see me self living in Christchurch,


Up before the sun came up to catch a train to the airport. Got to Christchurch early afternoon. More sniffer dogs and a sniffer machine. I got stopped for a random explosives search. They had this probe that could detect explosives that they wiped all over me - was a bit weird!!

Picked up the hire car - Silver Nissan Sunny!! Super Sallon tha knaa's!!!

Drove into Christchurch and found hostel. Picked up some leaflets about NZ and this next month should be so good, there's so much to see: Mount Cook, Alpine Glaciers, Crystal clear lakes, beaches, Skiing resorts, salmon farms, Whale watching, penguin colonies, Dolphin watching, Star gazing, Bunjee jumping, Jet Boating, Vinyards, Lord of the Rings stuff, absolutely loads.

Had a wander round Christchurch, found a pub which had live music on and drank a load of Guiness all afternoon and evening - Nice one!!!!


Woke up to rain and cloudy skies. Perfect weatehr for climbing the bridge eh!!!

After safety breifing and all that we set off up the bridges arches. Thankfully by this time the sky cleared and we had a good view over the harbour.

Berny, our guide, gave us pak a maks and told us they were parachutes and we may have to use them and these little kids were papping themselves.

Got some class views from the top, couldnt take a camera up there so photos below are from one of the towers.

One of the lads in our group proposed to his girlfriend at the top - What a gay!!!!

Walking down the streets a guy from some charity was stopping people trying to sign them up, he stops us and says ' Are you from the north of England' stunned I asked him how he knew and he reckons he can tell where people are from by how they look as he meets so many people from all over the world. He thought I looked like I was from Manchester - he must have mistook me for Sir Noel of Gallagher - I was having that like!! - spent the rest of the afternoon swaggering round town!!!!

In the evening we got the train down to the pier and had some food and drinkls and saw the harbour all lit up which was very nice!!

Few strange things about Ozzy Pubs:
1. All the pubs have bookies inside them so the barman doubles up as a booky.
2. The pubs sell a lot of off licence booze in cliche brown paper bags for people to take away.
3. Saw a barman actually washing some money, just the coins, proper soap and water job then toweled it dry - new meaning to money laundering!!!
4. Pints are smaller than pints back home, so I guess theyre not pints, think they are 500ml but makes you feel bigger than you actually are when drinking them.