Wednesday 1 April 2009


Wandered round Nelson most of the day, taking it easy and chilling out. Booked a sea kayak trip in Abel Tasman.

Ended up back at the hostel late afternoon, went for fish and chips and then back to the Sprig and Fern to try and sample the rest of the beers!!

Back at the hostel we opened a bottle of wine and went to see what was occuring. Got chatting to these Canadians who were canny funny. Some one had left a pan boiling on the hob and after about 1/2 hour it boiled dry and filled the kitchen with smoke so we went to the magic bus in the garden. I think the idea is you go in there to chat instead of annoying the neighbours. They should call it the hash bus as there was a blue haze coming out of all the windows!!!!

Got talking to this Dutch girl and the Canadian said that we had similar accents and for some reason I said that we were related! "really?" he said and I put me arm around her and said 'yeah, she's my. . . '
The word sister was there on me tongue waiting to come out but what actually came out was
' Mam'
She didnt like that. Not one bit. She went mental!!!!!
Turns out she is my age - wupps!!! She must have had a canny tough paper round like, as she looked twice her age!! Canny night though!

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