Saturday 25 April 2009


Said goodbye to Sue and Bill early on as we've got a canny drive up the west coast to Santa Cruz today. Was great to see Bill and Sue and spend some time with them, shame we could only have one evening!!

Set off on the 101 again from S. Barbara to Moro Bay then got on the #1 that took us along the cliff hugging roads of Big Sur. Loads of windy roads that follow the coast for about 100 mile. Having an automatic really helped as all you were left to do was speed up and slow down. You dont even have to thing about it. I bet a chimp could drive an automatic. Worked out that the car has got Sirius radio, DBA, so we've got over 200 radio stations with crystal clear reception plus BBC Radio 1 which is delayed to New York time so we're 3 hours out so no Moyles unless we get up at 3am!!!!!

Big Sur is an amazing stretch of coast and is stunning. Probably the best drive since we've been away. Had the Thrills playing on the stereo for the whole 100 mile. Quality man!!!
There was this weird black sea fret hanging about then as we climbed higher it turned to thick white fog and fully covered the sea and half way up the cliffs. We were above it so it felt like you were looking down on the clouds. Eventually it burned off and we got an amazing view of the Pacific!!!

Stopped to take a photo and this little Chipmonk came running over and I fed him a ham sandwich which he took straight out me hand and sat there whilst he eat the lot.

After leaving Big Sur we drove through Monteray and onto Santa Cruz.

Found our motel using the Sat Nav, which is brilliant although its runs about 5 seconds too slw so we've missed a couple of turn off's.

Got to Santa Cruz after dark so we got directions to some food from the sat nav and carried it in me pocket as we walked down the streets.

Went to Jack in the Box, a fast food chain that I hope comes over the England. I had 3 Yipee Ky-yay Mini Sirloin burgers!! We'd seen the advert on the tele and I became a little obsesed with it. In the advert they have these midgets riding mini sirloin horses rounding up mini sirloin cattle and it has a proper catchy mini sirloin song that got us to go and taste these mini sirloin burgers - Quality!!!

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