Sunday 5 April 2009


Had a canny day today!!! Got up early and went to a volcanic area of Rotorua, there is a geyser called Lady Knox there that they set off each day at 10am. So we got seated and the fella poured soap powder into its cone and it took about 5 minutes for it to erupt!! The water and steam went about 20m high - crazy!!
Spent a couple of hours walking round the track which took us round all the geysers, sulphur lakes and that! The colours of the lakes and rocks were unbelievable man!!

After that we drove to Rainbow Springs where they look after Kiwi birds and release them in to the wild when they're big enough to fend off stoats and that!! We got to see a pair of eggs brought in by some volenteers. Then some newly hatched Kiwi's and three big un's in the nocturnal house. They were well cool, they're bigger than chickens and have long thin beaks and are quite agressive, which we were shocked at since everywhere you go here there are pictures or cartoons of fluffy cute kiwi's but in reality they're swines!!! But were canny cute like!!!

They had a wild life park here as well where you can walk around and see all sorts of native wild life. Best of all they've got massive trout: browns, blues, rainbows, american brook end even Tiger trout (cross between brown and brook) They were mint! The Rainbows have their own pool which can be accessed by the fish by a fish ladder, a small stream that they can swim up and down, which leads to the lake at Rotorua so they are free to come and go as they please. Brilliant!!!!

Had tea in the hostel kitchen. Pot Noodles and a bottle of the posh wine from the vinyard tour, the best wine to have with Pot Noodles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. we remember Lady Knox - did remind us of Lorna. What a fabulous sight when she blows. And those amazing rotten egg smells - worse than some people's feet!!!!!! N Z is great isn't it?
