Sunday 26 April 2009


Got up canny early again but on purpose this time as we are walking a canny long trail today. Going to climb Vernal and Nevada falls. Its only 7 miles long but a 2000 foot ascent. Got a bus to the starting point and a school fof kids got on the bus. These American kids are far too confident for my liking like!! Seriously this 12 year old girl comes up and is all ' Howdee neighbour! where you guys from?' Then starts cracking on to this old couple!

It took about 5 hours to climb to both falls. The size of these water falls are like nothing Ive ever seen before, makes you wonder where all the water comes from. The weirdest thing is the wind that comes off the falls from the force of the water - mental!

We got saoked to the bone from the mist off of Vernal falls. There was a perfect rainbow that permenantly sat in the bowl of the fall where the water fell.

Met an old American guy that started talking to us on our way down who was really friendly. I reckon the American's have to be the friendliest people we've come across. Most people we've been in contact with have been genuienly interested in us and really polite and really helpful.

On the shuttle bus back someone cried bear again but this time there was one. A black bear, that was actually brown, in the woods having a picnic!! Hows cools that!!

Saw a squirrel without a tail.

We had pizza in the evening and saw Jaimie off of Jaimie and his magic torch off of the eighties!! Well a kid that looked like him, got a photo to prove it.

Also heard Coyotes during the night. Aw Aw Awwwwwwwwwooooooooooooo

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