Tuesday 14 April 2009


We'd decided that we'd got to Pearl Harbour today since its been cloudy and rainy since we got here nearly. Woke up to bright blue skies and scorching sun!!!!

Caught a bus to Pearl Harbour about an hour away from Waikiki. Cued for a free ticket to the USS Arizona memorial which was for two hours later that day so we went for a look round the Harbour. Paid $10 to go aboard the USS Bowfin submarine which was pretty cool!!

Went for a real American hotdog while we waited and watched this fat American kid eat a massive bowl of nacho's like they were going out of fashion. He was reading a comic at the same time but every nacho took up his whole attention. He'd slam one into his massive gob then he couldn't believe his luck when he saw that he had some left. Then another nacho would fall victim to his greedy chops. He looked like this was the happiest moment in his whole life. We watched him until he'd finished the lot as he looked so happy. Then disaster struck. He'd eaten his last nacho without realising it and when he reached for his next mouthfull and saw they were all gone he looked proper upset and I thought he was going to cry - Hilarious!!!!!

Our time came to go to the memorial, we watched a documentry of the Japanese attack showing actual footage from 1941. It must have been terrible man!! Then we were taken by boat the the sunken USS Arizona, which lies beneith the water. Its was left submerged where it was as a memorial to the 900 souls still trapped inside the ship, I guess as a kind of grave.

The Nacho Kid was on our boat and he was looking utterly dejected. I think he was still remembering his last nacho moment rather than mourning the dead -God Bless him!!!

Strange thing. There was hardly any Japanese at Pearl Harbour. I'd thought they must be so many in Honolulu so they could visit Pearl Harbour but there was only a handfull there. They must just be here for the shops and the beaches. Guess I'll never find out? I wonder if for some reason they think that the Pearl Harbour campaign was successful and that they now occupy Hawaii?!? Who knows?!?!

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