Saturday 25 April 2009


Got picked up by a bus @3:30 in the AM to take us to the airport. Slept on plane and watched bedtime stories - its alright!!

LAnded in L.A. in a bit of a daze. Got a bus to the car rental place and picked up our car. We got an all American chevy that I'm planning on driving to a levy when I find out what one is!!! Its canny nippy but its an automatic and Ive never really driven one before so me left leg is always looking for a clutch and finding a brake instead. Add that to the fact we're driving on the right hand side of the road in the middle of L.A. and we've got a problem. First road I drove on I went straight for the left hand lane.

Found our hostel which is just off Hollywood Blvd and smells of cats wee!! Dumped our stuff and went for a gander round Hollywood. We're litterally 1 minute away from the walk of fame and another minute from the Chinese theatre where they have red carpet premiers and all the hand and feet prints of the stars are set in cement - pretty cool that like!!!

Went for a McDonalds on Hollywood Blvd and noticed that they had a massive security guard in there and was fully armed with an automatic weapon!! A flippin gun in McDonalds!!! I wonder if its incase the HamBurgler turns up!!!!

Spent a couple of hours wandering round. Once dark the whole place lights up like a Christmas tree, every building has flashing neon lights that makes it feel more like a theme park rather than a town!! There's even a King Kong coming out of the roof of some news agents or other!!!!

I'll tell you something else for free, there's some strange folk in Hollywood!!!

There are the ranters who sit alone and constantly chunter to themselves and then scream at passers by about goodness knows what!!! There are the wannabee actors who dress up as the rich and famous and then walk the streets trying to get recognised. We saw Superman, Spiderman, Marolyn Monroe, Jack Sparrow, Chucky (played by an real life midget) Jesus, Gene Simons and endless others. Then there's the just plain crazy, mad as custard the lot of them, they walk around shouting and bothering people. You cant even work out what they want from you or even if they want anything at all!!

Another good thing here is that you dont seem to get I.D'd for alcohol here. Either they're not bothered or I'm starting to look over 40!!!!

1 comment:

  1. know its a bit late now but I think a levy is a sort of sea defence/dam. It was the levys breaking that help cause New Orleans to get so badly flooded during Hurricane Katrina. Jenny
