Friday 13 March 2009



First official day on the road. Gonna aim for Lake Tekapo, if we dont reach it in time we'll aim for Geraldine.

Christchurch - Geraldine

Long straight roads that rip through the Canerbury plains, flat countryside curbed in the west by massive jaggered snow capped Alps.
Reached Geraldine in a couple of hours so we stopped for a bit and carried on to Lake Tekapo.
In Geraldine theres a fella whose made a replica of the Bayeux Tapestry using pieces of spring stell broken from knitting machines. He's even finshed the last 1/4 thats missing form the original in a way he thinks the story happend.

Geraldine - Lake Tekapo

Windy roads now and rolling hills like you see on the M6 going north towards the lakes. Looks a bit like the Yorkshire dales countryside here but greener. The grass is the greenest green Ive ever seen, grass like in the Teletubbies, Its so green it doesnt look real.

Passed Mt Sunday which was the location for Edoras in LOTR's

Fourth hostel in Lake Tekapo had some room to stay. Walked round the lake, which is an erie turquoise colour, its glacial melt water and is full of microscopic rock particals that give it its vibrant blue colour. Bluest blue Ive ever seen. The colours in NZ are inreal madn, it makes the scenery look like a cartoon its so perfect!!!!

1 comment:

  1. fantastic photos - Sydney and NZ look just as we remember them - can't wait to go back. Keep blogging!!!!!!!!!
