Sunday 22 March 2009


Drove to Milford Sound with Heidi on board.

Canny drive today, starting to enjoy driving now. I was honestly starting to worry that every town was going to be like the east coast, beautiful but devoid of human life. Worried that Id have memories of New Zealand as just having wonderful countryside but no character (on writing this we're in the north of the south Island and New Zealand I can happily say is amazing and full of character and good quality crack)

Back to Milford Sound, the road in stops at what looks like a dead end blocked by massive mountains then you drive through a tunnel dug straight through the mountain. We'd booked on a boat trip down the fiord to the sea and back again. It was an awesome thing to do. You sail on salt water at sea level and either side of the 1km wide fiord are mountains reaching over 2000m above you, some vertical cliff walls stretching to the sky. Makes you feel canny small and insignificant in the grand scheme!!!
I'm sure in Scotland, and Walshy will correct me if Im wrong, the Munro's are 1000m about sea level and these are over 2000m the biggest being 2723m. Mental man!!!

Wontong incident

Back in Te Anau we went out for Paddy's night, caned the black stuff and had a bit of a jig!! Heidi joined us for some drunken Anglo-German chat!!!!1
We orderd a basket of mixed fried pub food and I accidentally swallowed a crispy wontong whole!!!! It took about 20 minutes to scrape down me throat. It was agony man!!!! I can understand how those mountains felt when the glaciers scrapped rocks and boulders across them all those years ago. Finally the fascist wontong arrived in me stomach, whole still, and Im sure it plugged me stomach hole up because all the Guiness kept back filling me stomach. Needless to say I had the last laugh, it dissloved and I had it right off dot com!!!!!!!!

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