Sunday 8 March 2009


Went to the bus station in KL to catch our bus to Singapore. The bus station is weird. There are dozens of stair wells in a row that lead down to the bus platforms, exhaust fumes pouring out of them.

Bus was at 11:30am so we got there at 11:00am, got our platform and were down there at no later than 11:05am. Met a guy there who'd been there since 9:00am - not looking good! At 12:00pm Heather went to check with our bus company where the bus was. The wifey says we must have mussed it!!!! (no bus had been to our platform in the hour we'd been there) After a load of excuses we were sold to another bus company (sold like football players but with no signing on fee) who set off at 1:30pm.

After 6 hours on a bus we arrived at Singapore where we had to disembark the bus and go through customs twice, once out of Malaysia and once into Singapore. There was a lad from Africa on our bus that had to go to a seperate room in the Singapore passport control. He never made it back on our bus before we pulled away. Either he was an internationally wanted man or the bus driver had just got bored and drove off!! Hope he managed to get to where he wanted to go as it was another hour on the bus to get into Singapore city.

Taxi to Hostel - had a walk round little India

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