Sunday 8 March 2009


Explored KL until late afternoon of the first day there. We saw the old colonial cricket pitch in the middle of the city and the tallest flag poll in the world. There's a lot of old colony buildings here. Weird to think the British just decided to move here and start a British way of life in a foreign country, wonder what the locals thought of it. By the by Malaysia is left with a fantastic city with a wonderful atmosphere.

Heather met a guy in the hostel, Andy, he's in his mid thirties and wants to find somewhere in the world to live that is better than England!!!!, he's been here for over a week so therefore a Guru on life in KL, I thought. We went for a curry with him in the evening, canny lad but turns out he's a bit of a bore and loves to moan on!!!! I guess thats what traveling alone does to you, he'd been on his own for 6 months and not had much conversation. Felt a bit sorry for him but when you get conversation dont winge on about the fact that you cant find anyone to talk to just talk!!!!! He's also not seen or done anything in KL so I taken away his Guru status!!!

Left Andy to lick his wounds that a life on the road had given him and went to see the Patrona Towers all lit up. They look awesome at night!!

Went for a drink at an Irish bar - 6 pund for a pint of bitter - I tell you what it made me bitter, supped up and went to find an off licence!

Back at the hostel we drank and talked with some other backpackers for a few hours. There is some strange folk about!!! One lad who sort of lives in Bali whose also from Germany (!!!) is a surfing instructor and was in KL to renew his visa for Bali. I know thats not strange but he was!!
He liked to use the F word alot and tell lots of stories about his exploits in Bali. He had a mate called Patrick who was German who looked like an albino with a tan!! Now he was strange and also liked the F word! I can start to see why Andy is going a bit mental having to talk to people like this!!! Anyway canny crack!!!!!

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