Sunday 8 March 2009


Singapore is a bit uninspiring! Theres very little to see and do, no atmosphere to the city and I'd go as far as saying a little bit dull!!

We wondered around looking for the sights of Singapore. We found the Singapore eye, walked around the Singapore sky line for a bit. There doesnt seem to be anyone here!! Its like that film 28 days later where that chap wakes up in London and its deserted!!! Maybe thats whats to blame for the lack of any atmosphere. A lot of the shopping malls are underground so maybe everyone is down there having it and we're up top like a couple of fairies!!

Had a few coffees (see Im writing about having coffee, theres thats much to do here!!) had a look at a few markets. Went to China town - which was the highlight. A bit of crack was being had by the Chinese!

Back to the hostel - watched a DVD. Off to OZ tomorrow. Its not sad to turn our heals to Singapore!!

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