Sunday 8 March 2009


Got a taxi from the airport to K L centre in the pouring rain. The taxi fella was another Penfold look-a-like. First thing - the taxi's headlights didnt work. Second thing - the taxi's speedometer didnt work. I only noticed because he was bombing along a soaking wet road, aquaplaning awrl awa the place when I saw we were travelling at zero miles an hour. Great stuff!!!!!!

It eventually had to happen, he aquaplaned going far too fast, lost control and the taxi skidded nose first into the barrier. He kept saying 'no control, no control' and staring at his steering wheel - Stupid arse!!! Didnt they teach him at taxi driver school that you dont go hell for leather over 3 inches of water - you're going to skid my friend, no matter how clever you think you are!!!!! What a TIT!!!!

Thankfully no injuries.

He then drops us off about half a mile away from where we wanted to be.

So hear we are, the two of us in Kuala Lumpur, in the pouring rain, soaking wet, laiden down with our backpacks, flip flops slipping off our feet and havent the foggiest clue where we are!!!!!

Eventually found the hostel in the early hours. There's a lot of backpackers here which is good, there's a few communal rooms so looking forward to meeting some other travellers. Not tonight though as Im wet, exhausted and still getting over our near death experience!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. i was getting worried that due to the lack of posts we were either a) going to see no more or b) you'd have lost your nack of being hilarious! so i am pleased to say there are still lots of LOL moments x
