Thursday 12 March 2009


What a cracking couple of days in Sydney!!! Got up canny early to start exploring the city. Walked from the hostel through Hyde park, through the botanical gardens, down to a point where you can see the bridge and opera house. Walked up to the Opera house and then got a ferry to Manly.

Walked up the beach at Manly which was rammed with weekend ozzy's surfing, playing volley ball and sunbathing. The beaches here are amazing with massive waves.

Back to Sydney harbour and walked around the rock which is a area of markets and quant little buildings. Had a few pints in a german pub.

Walked back to Hyde park in the evening and spent a few hours watching the Mardi Gras celebrations.

Sydney is an awesome city, theres so much going on, the sights are amazing, the people are really friendly and the weather is incredible. I reckon every one should move over here to live. They reckon 1/3 of Sydneys population were born overseas.

It really is a proper mint place to be, you see the bridge and opera house on tele and in photo's but actually being here feels unreal. I have to keep checking myself and remind me self that Im in Sydney and not dreaming!!!!!

Pintage in the German bar.

Manly beach

Opera House

Harbour Bridge

Opera House again

Bridge AND Opera House

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