Sunday 3 May 2009


The shouting from next door, we think, was coming from a drug dealer and his clients. Seriously this place is unreal. Heather woke up at 2am and didnt sleep the rest of the night due to people visiting our narcotic neighbour every 20 minutes throughout the night, strobing passed the gaps in our door. They played music all night, there was a constant chopping sound and there was a very heated argument outside our door between the drug barren and a woman. Then someone started crying from the drug den and then the sound of violent vomminting! You couldnt make this stuff up man!!!!!

We're supposed to stay hear for another night - Nuts to that!!!!! - At first light we're gone!!!!!!

The sun came up with no conclusions!! So we packed up, shoved our key card under the reception door, sacrificed the $40 we'd paid for tonights stay, no doubt old 40 stoner has already eaten them dollar notes by now anyway and then you couldn't see our heals for dust!!!!!!!

Drove around for a while and checked into a travelodge at 10am and went to sleep.

Afternoon came and we had a bit more of a look round Portland. I'm indecisive about Portland, I really wanted Portland to be a highlight of the U.S. I'd looked forward to seeing it so much as Ive a couple of friends who love the place. May be another visit one day is whats needed? or maybe I'd created an idea of Portland from other peoples possitivety and enthusiasm who knows!!

Funny how you quickly build up prejudices against a place after one experience, maybe the phrase 'first impressions count' is true? Well here's hoping that Portland will look more favourably on me second time round!

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine who was in the US last summer said Portland was his favourite city in the world.
