Sunday 3 May 2009


Went over to the Adalaide again for a free breakfast. Its really good for being free, as many bagals and as much toast as you like. Fills you up anyway and keeps you going till the afternoon.

Did our little trick of finding a bus route that goes round most of the city and stayed on most of the way round so we got to see a lot of the city in about an hour. Got off off near to the Golden Gate Bridge as we could and then walked through Crissy fields to the Bridge. We had an amazingly clear day, even if it was windy and freezing cold. So we got great views of the Bridge. It looks class like, its definately in the top 3 of my world bridge league tables.

It was chocka round the bridge with people having BBQ's in the parks and people playing on the beaches or jogging or bike riding. Canny little atmosphere round there!!

Ended up catching the wrong bus back into town and goodness knows where we ended up, but managed to find a train that took us back into town.

Went for a few drinks in this Irish bar where they had a band on, they were class! Just did covers but got everyone up!!! There was this woman about 40 years old dressed in white jeans and a white top who pimped her self for pints of Guiness! She'd dance and flirt with some old fat mand then get him to buy her a pint then go off with another greasy looking fella and get another pint!! Heather found her well annoying and kept refering to her as the Tart in White. She'd have vexed me aswell if she hadn't been so successful, she got bought pint after pint of Guiness. For a second I thought of giving it a go myself just for the pure volume of pintage she was getting - fair play. Then there was the 80's throw-back couple, they were class, they were middle aged and still dressed like they probably did back in the day. He was in a baggy black polo neck top and an over sized double breasted gret suit and Heather kept saying he looked like the cat who'd got the cream as he was so pleased with his dancing skills when A/C D/C got played! Top night like!!!


  1. Just out of interest, what are the rest of your top three bridges in the world?

  2. Sydney Harbour, Tyne, and Golden Gate Bridge

  3. What about the Humber Bridge, its longer than the golden gate bridge you know and when they built it the engineers has to adjust the design to factor in the curvature of the earth (not sure if that is true or not but Jemery Clarkson said it once on Top Gear). Also the Humber bridge has the added bonus of taking you away from hull if you cross it in the right direction.
