Wednesday 6 May 2009


Left Vancouver the day for Toronto. Got up before the sun did, packed our bags up, (AGAIN!!! Not going to miss packing up me backpack everyday) and walked to the bus stop in the dark.

Uneventful flight to Toronto. It took 4 hours which suprised me, forgot how big America and Canada are. Theres also a 3 hour time difference between west and east coast.

Asked a fella in information the best was to get to downtown Toronto - $22 airport shuttle each or $50 taxi he said, then we managed to squeeze out of him that you could just buy a $2.75 transit ticket catch a bus then a subway then a street car (tram) on the same fare - so we did that!!

Got to the hostel late afternoon, not feeling to great at the moment - hoping its just the cat allergy still having a go but Heathers feeling the same - fingers crossed!

Went out to try and pick up our Amtrack tickets to New York from the station but it clsoed at 1pm. So went for some food in a pub near Union station and tried to kill our germs with a few pints and whiskey's.

*WARNING* - Rant coming on!!

Throughout America and Canada we have felt a bit ripped off when going out for food and drinks. The advertised prices are way above prices at home, probably 50% higher, but you can sort of deal with that since you know your'e in a major city so you can expect you food and drinks to cost a bit more. But then the bill comes and they have added on a GST (general service tax), an alcohol tax and another state tax - Now that really gets my goat!!
Secret, hidden, snidey little taxes they dont tell you about. So a $6 pint of beers turns into a $8.50 pint, which is totaly ridiculous! Then, THEN the waitress wants a 20% tip for bring you it or is it a tip for wearing a short skirt?!? - Im sure its your service we're tipping love not how long you can make your legs look!!! c'mon man !!!
Its not just the drinks its food as well, extra taxes are added on to the prices advertised on the menu and then dont forget the tip - its criminal man - makes my blood boil!!!


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