Monday 26 January 2009

DAY 4 - 22-01-2009 BEIJING

Woke up @ 4am and tried to lay away for as long as possible to beat the jet lag.

Had half a pack of Oreo's for breakfast - class how you can eat crap when your away and not feel guilty!!!

Walked to Tian-anmen square and nearly lost a body part in the cold.

Stopped to take a photo and these two Chinese fella's started taking to us. Tony and Colin!! We talked for a while about where and what we were doing in beijing. They were from Xia on a weeks holiday, Colins dad apparently is really rich and drives a BMW. He sells fish and has just spent a year in Australia selling fish. We walked with them for nearly an hour. They were very friendly and wanted to know alot about England, well LONDON, they should just rename England to London.

Chinese Joke: Whats the difference between English fish and Chinese fish? English fish speak english and Chinese speak Chinese!!!!!!!!

They were going to old Beijing and wanted us to go with them. We told them we wanted to have a look at the forbidden city so they followed us there...

Colin works as an Indians Ear for IBM- found out he was an engineer.

They kept asking us to go and drink tea with them which made us feel a bit wary as Heather had read about these con artist who befriend you and get you to drink tea with them and you end up paying thousands of Yuan and they suddenly disappear.

I'm sure they were harmless and genuenly being friendly but we could have been with them for the whole day the way they were going, answering if we drove fast or slow in London or if we swam there or how we caught fish - he didnt seem that interested when I went into the fine art of fly fishing.

So we made our excuses and left them to the sound of 'what a pity, what a pity'

- Went for a biit of a kip to try and beat the jet lag.

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