Monday 26 January 2009


It is -14 C in Beijing. Which is the coldest Ive ever experienced. Even with a ton of layers on your still cold.

It feels like a living thing that feeds of your warmth. You can feel the heat being dragged from your body through your thermals, through your trackies, through your jeans into its waiting jaws when coming up from a subway station. It bites at your face and pulls the breath out your lungs and freezes it to your face.

I've never been this cold.


  1. Great 2 read your blog. When I am 60 I will be spitting in the streets 2! Loved your description of the cold - very poetic. Looking forward to reading more altho it makes life here seem rather mundane.
    Mammy mac

  2. check you out all eloquent! loving the read, keep it up. R&H xx

  3. Sounds really cold in China at the moment! Have been tracking your progress and see that you are off to the Great Wall about now. Have looked at so many fantastic photographs of this incredible constuction. It will look even better in the cold.
    News from the foota front....we beat Fulham 1-0 last night and have moved up to mid table security at last. Next game is at St James' against the barcodes...will send result to you. Love you both. Kevlah.

  4. It was pretty warm back when we were in Beijing.
