Friday 30 January 2009

DAY 7 - 25-01-2009 MIDNIGHT


I've honestley never witnessed anything like this in my 28 years on this planet. At 12 o'clock I thought the world had ended or that Beijing was being bombed by the Japs. Every single shop, resturaunt, bar, house, man, woman, child, rozzer - everyone lit fireworks but not in the safe reserved way the british do with burn tapers and standing at safe distances and never returning to a lit firework!!!! They were being set off on door steps, on the road, on paths, on bridges even on the bloody ice. There were fireworks exploding 2 feet in front of us and about 10 foot over head. It was crazy!!!!

People were just walking straight over lit fireworks, cars were driving over them.

One backfired about 20 foot from us and I got hit in the chest by it and another lad got hit on the leg. No one cared if they got hurt or deafend all they wanted to do was set their fireworks off. -NUTTERS!!!

It was the loudest, scariest, mentalist and most exciting thing I have ever seen.

After about 40 mins of it not even remotely loooking like letting up we ste off back to the hostel.

There must have been thousands of people at that lake there setting them off.

Walking back was no different but this time you had cars to hide behind and shop door ways to take cover in.

Got back at about 1:30am and the fireworks outside our window didnt stop till about 4:30am.

Few hours kip them up again to catch a bus to the GREAT WALL.

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