Thursday 29 January 2009

DAY 5 - 23-01-2009 EVENING

Met the group. There are 16 of us plus a leader - Ling.

Filled in a ton of forms and got a better idea of what the plan is for the next three weeks.

Felt a bit like the first day of Uni or what I imagine the first day of Big Brother is like. I guess its always strange meeting a group of strangers who you know your going to be spending a lot of time with.

Went out for a meal after that Ling sorted out. She told us a few bits and bobs about Chinese customs and the oldest in the household usually starts eating first before the rest. Turns out grandad Lewins is the oldest so I had to start the meal and show off me chop stick skills. Dropped it awl awa the table.

Canny spread like, although there was tons left at the end. They just kept bringing dishes out. Even when we'd all finished more plates kept coming. Its a bit embarrasing leaving much more food than you've actually eaten but according to Ling its polite to leave food it shows the host that they've done their job of filling you up.

The food was gorgeous quite similar to the stuff you'd get in a chinese resturant back in Blighty. But nicer.

Theres no bar or communal area in this hostel so everyone went back to there own rooms. Got a few beers and went back to the room - spent about 45 minutes trying to open the bottles. Tried the door handle, tweezers, scissors, anything we could get a hold of. Finally got into them using our house key (an old Shoalin monk technique) and watch some snooker on the tele. Ronnie v Ding feels weird not having Virgos voice commentating!!

The carpet in the lift of the hotel has the day of the week written on it whcih changes every day.

While watching the snooker these renegade chinamen started setting off these nuclear fireworks in the alley next to our rooms. Seriously it rattled the window frames. There were over hanging power/tele cables above them aswell - NUTTERS was pretty cool though.

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