Friday 30 January 2009


Checked into the next hostel. - JIEFANG HOSTEL -

Did a bit of washing in the sink: what a nightmare that was - what an effort for such little reward, I think I'll just leave me clothes dirty from now on.

Met group to catch a bus to see the Terracotta Warriors about an hour outside Xian.

On the way our guide fella asked us if we wanted to see how they think they made the warriors thousands of years ago. Obviously we said yes so we stopped at a little workshop en route where we had a quick chat about what was basic clay firing in kilns then lead to a massive gift shop.

The first time I'd been shown the gift shop before the main event.

The warriors were incredible. They were made 2 thousand years ago if I remember correctly and were mass produced. I always thought the industrial revolution was the inspiration for mass production but here are these people mass producing 2 million (they estmate 2 million although only about 8000 have been unearthed), 1.8m figures before even Jesus was knocking about. There were about 5-6 different ranks of warrior therefore 5-6 different uniforms but every head was produced to resemble the actual soldier it represented.

Met Ling at the South gate of the cities ancient walls for food.

The next sleeper train (16 hours) to Shanghai, Ling could only get 9 tickets so 7 of us may have to fly. We drew straws to see who flies as everyone wanted to go by train. Both Heather and me drew the plane. Damn it!!!! Well at least its an extra day in Shaghai.

Walked to the Muslim quarter of the city - loads of market stalls and street food.

Walking back to hostel we were bothered by these little child beggers. They must have only been 3-4 years old. It broke your heart to see them chasing after us saying 'pleased to meet you' with begging bowls, untill one of them jumped on John and started riffling through his pockets. Heather started to laugh and them he turned on Heather and latched onto her back like a little monkey. I had to drag the little monster off and send him on his way!! Was a bit worried at on point when he looked at me I though he was about to kick the crap out of me.

1 comment:

  1. he he he. you make me laugh lewins. loving the " I think I'll just leave me clothes dirty from now on."
    I'm guessing you're not still king of the mods!!
    Miss you both love sar x
