Friday 30 January 2009

DAY 12 - 30-01-2009 SHANGHAI

Up at 5am to meet driver (happy Budda) who took us to the airport an hour away.

Once in Shanghai airport we caight the MagLev. A bullet train that goes at 430km/hr - it levetates above the rails so it can go faster (less friction I guess)

Was mint but only got up to 300km/hr (theres a speedometer in the cariage Im not guess the speed on how fats the trees went passed)

Then Metro and Taxi to next hostel - PIAOYING HOTEL -

The first room we got the external walls were vibrating from what I can only guess is the air con unit on the roof - proper noisy and shaky.

Got the fella to move us so some poor sod from our group whose just travelled either 13 0r 16 hours with very little sleep is going to get a vibrating room.

New one is still canny loud but doesnt rattle.

There are 4 brothels on our street with these bonny chinese lasses dressed in next to nowt sitting in the "shop" windows

Heather, me, Russ and Clare walked into Shanghai. What an underwhelming city. From what we've seen so far - along the river bank opposite all the big and famous skyscrapers is really run down, dirty and smelly.

Bought a map and navigated the city a bit. Found some cool parts but I guess we'll see the real city in the next few days.

Russel tried to buy a sim card from this backstreet shopp which was disguissed as a comb shop, seriously thats all it sold, combs!!, hundreds of them apart from a sign hanging off the main street saying "SIM" This little chinese fella pops out with a cardboard box full of sim cards. He wanted 150 Y Russ tried it, it didnt work so the fella them wanted 2J. Obviously Russ said no as it didnt work then the fella starts kicking off. So we legged it.

Youre stared at alot more in Shanghai which is weird since its more westernised than anywhere else we've been. You keep getting asked by people on the street to come and see their shop with all the big brand names. Then they follow you for ages when you say no.

Looking forward to meeting up with the rest of the group at some point tomorrow.

Cant find internet cafes anywhere here.

We'd thought we'd found one but after going down this seedy alley way then into this stair well covered in dirty needles and crack pipes we bottled it and quickly turned our heals.

SO up to date now. doubt I'll have this much time again to catch up as we've had today pretty much free.

Derby day on Sunday

Good luck to the lads. Stick it up them daft barcodes!!!!!!!!

DAY 11 - 29-01-2009 XIAN

Xian is one of the only cities in China where the ancient city walls are still visible. In fact they are complete. We walked half way round on top of the wall from the north gate to the south gate.

Some of the bricks had writting on, never found out what they said. Although when I was a lad hanging round Fence Houses we used to find bricks with Lumley written on so maybe its the name of the brickworks were they came from????????

You can look over the whole city on a clear day from the walls. Today was pretty hazy (from the pollution) so we couldn't see very far but created a good atmosphere for walking around.


In Beijng the haze wasnt as prominant, probably due to the mental wind which probably blew it away. In Xian the winds not there so the pollution can build up.

Its a bit warmer in Xain - Dont need a hat to walk around in.

Went to the Muslim quarter again - walked down all the stall and sampled some of the street food. Had these stciks of sticky rice cakes covered in Jam and Nuts.

Theres these meat skewers taht look well nice being BBQ'ed on the back of pedal bikes. On asking what meat it was the fella didnt know ( Im guessing Cat) so we avoided that one.

Sophie barted with a woman for this Kimono dressing gown got her down from 180 J to 90 J.

Saw this dead old fella making these glass oxes (its the year of the Ox) but after watching him he was using this thick treacle. He rolled it in his filthy little hands and then blew it like you would glass. They looked canny mont like but these little kids were then eating these little sugary ox lightbulbs covered in his manky finger prints and filled with his dirty breathe -- NICE !!!!!

Caught the bus back to the hotel late pm. Experience: Worked out you had to put a 1 J note in a box at the front of the bus then hang on for dear life. The phrase sardines in a tin could be used. Anyway we managed it nee bother. John flet pretty pleased with our achievment.

Met Ling: Shes got 3 more train tickets to Shanghai - We're still flying. getting picked up at 6am tomoorow.

4 of us flying (1.5 hours)
6 going hard sleeper (16 hours)
7 going soft sleeper (13 hours)
Then all meet up in Shanghai

We go a day ahead of the rest (think we got the better deal in the end since I think we've seen most Xian has to offer)

Blue Adam eat the Cat Kebabs and has been vomming all afternoon.


Checked into the next hostel. - JIEFANG HOSTEL -

Did a bit of washing in the sink: what a nightmare that was - what an effort for such little reward, I think I'll just leave me clothes dirty from now on.

Met group to catch a bus to see the Terracotta Warriors about an hour outside Xian.

On the way our guide fella asked us if we wanted to see how they think they made the warriors thousands of years ago. Obviously we said yes so we stopped at a little workshop en route where we had a quick chat about what was basic clay firing in kilns then lead to a massive gift shop.

The first time I'd been shown the gift shop before the main event.

The warriors were incredible. They were made 2 thousand years ago if I remember correctly and were mass produced. I always thought the industrial revolution was the inspiration for mass production but here are these people mass producing 2 million (they estmate 2 million although only about 8000 have been unearthed), 1.8m figures before even Jesus was knocking about. There were about 5-6 different ranks of warrior therefore 5-6 different uniforms but every head was produced to resemble the actual soldier it represented.

Met Ling at the South gate of the cities ancient walls for food.

The next sleeper train (16 hours) to Shanghai, Ling could only get 9 tickets so 7 of us may have to fly. We drew straws to see who flies as everyone wanted to go by train. Both Heather and me drew the plane. Damn it!!!! Well at least its an extra day in Shaghai.

Walked to the Muslim quarter of the city - loads of market stalls and street food.

Walking back to hostel we were bothered by these little child beggers. They must have only been 3-4 years old. It broke your heart to see them chasing after us saying 'pleased to meet you' with begging bowls, untill one of them jumped on John and started riffling through his pockets. Heather started to laugh and them he turned on Heather and latched onto her back like a little monkey. I had to drag the little monster off and send him on his way!! Was a bit worried at on point when he looked at me I though he was about to kick the crap out of me.

DAY 9 - 27-01-2009 - TRAVELLING

Got up at 5:40am didnt need to get dressed as we were already sleeping fully clothed.

& of us; Heather, John, Rachel, Sophie, Russ, Clare and me walked about 40 mins back up to the wall in pitch black dark and waited up there till the sun rose - very beautiful watching the sun light up the landscape.

Back at hostel had a crazy luke warm shower (hot water only on for 1 hour a day)

Hung around at hostel for a few hours - has fried rice and beef in onion sauce for breakfast.

Bus back to Beijing to catch hard sleeper to Xian.

Hard Sleepers

Not as bad as they sound. Six to a compartment, three beds on top of each other. Pretty comfy.

Lights went out at 10:30pm managed a few games of cards then slept.

13 hour journey to Xian.

Got to Xain around 8am

DAY 8 - 26-01-2009 GREAT WALL

Got a bus 3 hours to a more remote part of the wall. The landscape changed dramatically as we drove. It got a lot colder aswell, there was ice on the inside of the bus window. Mountains eventually appeared and we drove higher and higher untill we started to see the wall.

I got proper wrapped up; 4 pares of trousers; 7 tops. Started walking and started sweating buckets.

We walked about 10km along the wall of which about 6km of that we were followed by 5 or 6 local farmers trying to sell us a book.

The weather was perfect, clear blue skies, no wind, sun shining bright but still well below freezing although it didnt feel cold on the move.

We walked through 36 towers along the wall.

Its a stunning sight to see: Mountains stretching out either side and one of, if not the, greatest structures man has ever built snaking its way across the ridge of a mountain. I cant even begin to imagine the logistics of how they constructed it 700 years ago - Head bending stuff.

Walked for about 3-4 hours and arrived at the next hostel.


- hostel is cold and I mean very very cold.
- the heating works but is insignificant in this cold weather.
- radiators and air con on full blast and doesnt take the edge off the cold.
- at dinner: all sitting in full thermal gear, hats, gloves in the dinning area eating.
- played a few games of cards with John and Rachel
- made some home made hot water bottles with coke and water bottles and boiling water
- went to bed fully clothed and still cold.

Early start tomorrow - getting up @ 5:40am to catch the sunrise over the Great Wall.

DAY 7 - 25-01-2009 MIDNIGHT


I've honestley never witnessed anything like this in my 28 years on this planet. At 12 o'clock I thought the world had ended or that Beijing was being bombed by the Japs. Every single shop, resturaunt, bar, house, man, woman, child, rozzer - everyone lit fireworks but not in the safe reserved way the british do with burn tapers and standing at safe distances and never returning to a lit firework!!!! They were being set off on door steps, on the road, on paths, on bridges even on the bloody ice. There were fireworks exploding 2 feet in front of us and about 10 foot over head. It was crazy!!!!

People were just walking straight over lit fireworks, cars were driving over them.

One backfired about 20 foot from us and I got hit in the chest by it and another lad got hit on the leg. No one cared if they got hurt or deafend all they wanted to do was set their fireworks off. -NUTTERS!!!

It was the loudest, scariest, mentalist and most exciting thing I have ever seen.

After about 40 mins of it not even remotely loooking like letting up we ste off back to the hostel.

There must have been thousands of people at that lake there setting them off.

Walking back was no different but this time you had cars to hide behind and shop door ways to take cover in.

Got back at about 1:30am and the fireworks outside our window didnt stop till about 4:30am.

Few hours kip them up again to catch a bus to the GREAT WALL.

DAY 7 - 25-01-2009 NEW YEARS EVE

Ling took us to a resturaunt for a new years eve banquet. Gorgeous.

- Ducks Liver
- Bamboo Shoots
- Spicy Beef and Tomato soup
- Peking Duck
- Pork Pan cakes
- Jelly Fish
- Fried Veg and Potatoes
- Boiled Lettece in a dark sauce
- Few Beers

= 62 Yuan (6.20 pound) Well Nice

At 8pm all the shops and resturaunts started to set of their fireworks and firecrackers. Ling said it goes on till 1.

Walking down the road the whole street was litterally covered in red banger paper making it look like red snow. Went back to the Ice lake for a few beers and watch the fireworks.

DAY 7 - 25-01-2009 OLYMPIC STADIUM

Got the new metro line upto the Birds Nest stadium. The walk from the metro station to the stadium reminded me of the old Wembley way. Walked into the wind and nearly lost a face to the cold monster.

The Birds nest is pretty impressive. Saw the water cube aswell. We couldnt get into the Birds Nestwith it being new years eve. It was preety cool to see it that close up though.

Had a Chinese pot noodle for lunch - quality - you get to add your own monosodium glutamate to the pot - they dont even disguise it in the food - add your own addictive artifical flavouring to taste.

Wanted to go and see the Temple of Heaven but it was a bit of a journey and with it being new years eve were were worried it would be shut so we set off looking for the Bell and Drum towers. Had a canny walk round the little back streets.

Saw loads of shop keepers setting firecrackers off right outside their shops and kids hoying them at passers by.

Found the Bell and Drum towers which are massive. They used to use them to tell the time in Beijing, a bit like Big Ben but some fella banging a drum or ringing a bell. Came across a frozen lake that we followed round to some nice looking bars and saw people on the lake skating on bikes!!!! On actuall BMX's that had been converted to be able to ride on the ice. The front wheel had been removed and an ice skate used unstead and a stabolising frame at the back.

We paid up and had a bash. It was so much fun. You could bomb along and could hardly turn and when you could turn you nearly flipped it over.

We saw a sleigh ride that was being pulled by the biggest sheep Ive ever seen. Seriously it was the size of a pony - no lies!!!!

Walked back to the sound of people setting fireworks and firecrackers off with no regard for their own safety. Menatlists!!

DAY 6 - 24-01-2009 - KUNG FU SHOW

In the evening we went in to Beijing for food. 7 of us ordered 3 dishes, 2 rice and 1 noodle and the chap couldnt understand why we'd ordered so little food. Truth was we werent that hungry - cost 25 juan = 2.50 pound and there was still load left.

Wonder what happens to all the left over food from every meal in Beijing considering there's 13.5 million people here???

The Kung Ku show was qualilty, I wouldnt mind being one of them Buddist Monks like. Those fells's are rock hard.

DAY 6 - 24-01-2009 FORBIDDEN CITY

On walking in theres this massive portrait of Chairman Moa, they reckon its like the Mona Lisa in that he watches you where ever you are standing - not too sure about that as I flipped him the V and got away with it. (only joking he seems to be very much loved by the Chinese people)

Spent about 4 and a half hours in the forbidden city and it was made 100 times better by Vivien being there as we got some great stories.

Not enough time to go in to them all:

1. Concubine soup

2. Male and Female Lion statues

3. 1000 Dragons fill the moat with water

4. Plot to strangle one of the Emperor's and the concubine had 3600 pieces of flesh cut off her body

5. Mick Jagger Lady

6. Numbers of animals of roof corners

7. North, East, West Housing for men, women, Emperor

8. Piano - Last Emperor's was a gift from UK

9. Trees in court yard planted at same time as the building so you can put an age to each building in the city

10. Couple tree - two trees grown together

11. Mosaque in garden telling stories - one Emperor picked out a picture of a male lover because he didnt like the ending of that story.

The place is an absolute wonder. Makes you wonder why so much wealth was used to build such a vast place for one single person - I know they believed the Emperor was their only link to God but still a bit extreme.

The Emperor used to have enough food prepared to feed 1800 poeple just for himself for each meal. Either he was Billy Bunter himself or he was a bit of a knob, when all the poor people were'nt eating properly.

After we went to for pink cake with Vivien (she actually meant pancake which actually meant sugar sandwich) Very nice they were.

Thursday 29 January 2009

DAY 6 - 24-01-2009 BEIJING

Managed to sleep all the way through the night - yeah!!!!!! - officially on Chinese time now.

We all met at 9am to go to the Forbidden city.

Ling got a mate to come with us as a guide which turned out to be awesome. When we went to the Lama Temple we just looked at the buildings and then went. With Vivien we got all the history and stories of the forbidden city - which meant we got loads more out of going to see it.

Got the metro to Tian anmen Sq in a big group which made you feel like a proper tourist. 16 English people awkwardly wondering down the biggest square in the world, we were a shiney thing to the magpie hat and glove sellers of Tian anmen.

Chairman Mao's dead body is in one of these buildings but they were closed for spring fest so we couldnt see him. Vivein reckons there are two bodies because the original started to fall apart.
I'd read his ear fell off.

By this point blood has turned to slush puppy. It was so so cold. Becasue the square is exposed your'e a sitting Peking duck to the cold monster.

Will write more on Forbidden City when get chance and hopefully get some photos on. (its weird cos this all happend what feels like yonks ago but dont get very much time to go to an internet cafe)

Be good!!

DAY 5 - 23-01-2009 EVENING

Met the group. There are 16 of us plus a leader - Ling.

Filled in a ton of forms and got a better idea of what the plan is for the next three weeks.

Felt a bit like the first day of Uni or what I imagine the first day of Big Brother is like. I guess its always strange meeting a group of strangers who you know your going to be spending a lot of time with.

Went out for a meal after that Ling sorted out. She told us a few bits and bobs about Chinese customs and the oldest in the household usually starts eating first before the rest. Turns out grandad Lewins is the oldest so I had to start the meal and show off me chop stick skills. Dropped it awl awa the table.

Canny spread like, although there was tons left at the end. They just kept bringing dishes out. Even when we'd all finished more plates kept coming. Its a bit embarrasing leaving much more food than you've actually eaten but according to Ling its polite to leave food it shows the host that they've done their job of filling you up.

The food was gorgeous quite similar to the stuff you'd get in a chinese resturant back in Blighty. But nicer.

Theres no bar or communal area in this hostel so everyone went back to there own rooms. Got a few beers and went back to the room - spent about 45 minutes trying to open the bottles. Tried the door handle, tweezers, scissors, anything we could get a hold of. Finally got into them using our house key (an old Shoalin monk technique) and watch some snooker on the tele. Ronnie v Ding feels weird not having Virgos voice commentating!!

The carpet in the lift of the hotel has the day of the week written on it whcih changes every day.

While watching the snooker these renegade chinamen started setting off these nuclear fireworks in the alley next to our rooms. Seriously it rattled the window frames. There were over hanging power/tele cables above them aswell - NUTTERS was pretty cool though.

DAY 5 - 23-01-2009 - BEIJING

Woke up @ 6am - getting better.

Had to leave the hostel to go to another to meet the Intrepid group we'll be spending the next three weeks with.


Got the hang of the metro now 2Juan for 1 journey regardless of distance.

On the metro saw two burns victims singing with a shopping bag full of cash begging. Then later on saw a fella sitting on his arse shuffeling across the metro floor with a shopping bag but very little money in. I reckon he was one of those con men as I cant see how he shuffled himsel down two levels underground on escalators on his arse!!! Heather doesnt like!

Checked in to the next hostel which is canny nice although the room door can be openned with a credit card from the outside! Nee Rozzers here!

Got the metro to the Tibettan Lama Temple.

- there was an 18m Budda there - seriously huge

- the locals were burning three incense stick to each Budda in the Temple. There were loads probably about 30 odd.

- very colourful and beautiful place

- pretty big

Had some Jamine tea on the way out to try and save our remaining digits.

DAY 4 -22-01-2009 - EVENING

Went back to Tian anmen Sq but it was close off by the Rozzers - Its leading up to Chinese Spring Festival (New Year) so that why we reckon they shut it off.

Wondered around and found the shopping district, take away the Chinese symbols and chinese people (still a lot of chinese people here) and you could be in any major city in the world. StaBucks, McDonalds, KFC's every where man.

Found a side street selling Scorpians on a stick - Fancy trying them just for the crack like.

Went back to the hostel and had some beers and played pool trying to stay awake as long as we could to get ower the jet lag.

* I potted this ball right, it jumped onto the edge of the table, rolled down the side of the table and jumped again into the pocket - ha ha this little chinese fella was loving it. *

Monday 26 January 2009

DAY 4 - 22-01-2009 BEIJING

Woke up @ 4am and tried to lay away for as long as possible to beat the jet lag.

Had half a pack of Oreo's for breakfast - class how you can eat crap when your away and not feel guilty!!!

Walked to Tian-anmen square and nearly lost a body part in the cold.

Stopped to take a photo and these two Chinese fella's started taking to us. Tony and Colin!! We talked for a while about where and what we were doing in beijing. They were from Xia on a weeks holiday, Colins dad apparently is really rich and drives a BMW. He sells fish and has just spent a year in Australia selling fish. We walked with them for nearly an hour. They were very friendly and wanted to know alot about England, well LONDON, they should just rename England to London.

Chinese Joke: Whats the difference between English fish and Chinese fish? English fish speak english and Chinese speak Chinese!!!!!!!!

They were going to old Beijing and wanted us to go with them. We told them we wanted to have a look at the forbidden city so they followed us there...

Colin works as an Indians Ear for IBM- found out he was an engineer.

They kept asking us to go and drink tea with them which made us feel a bit wary as Heather had read about these con artist who befriend you and get you to drink tea with them and you end up paying thousands of Yuan and they suddenly disappear.

I'm sure they were harmless and genuenly being friendly but we could have been with them for the whole day the way they were going, answering if we drove fast or slow in London or if we swam there or how we caught fish - he didnt seem that interested when I went into the fine art of fly fishing.

So we made our excuses and left them to the sound of 'what a pity, what a pity'

- Went for a biit of a kip to try and beat the jet lag.


It is -14 C in Beijing. Which is the coldest Ive ever experienced. Even with a ton of layers on your still cold.

It feels like a living thing that feeds of your warmth. You can feel the heat being dragged from your body through your thermals, through your trackies, through your jeans into its waiting jaws when coming up from a subway station. It bites at your face and pulls the breath out your lungs and freezes it to your face.

I've never been this cold.

DAY 2 - 20-01-2009

Went for a walk round the hostel to get bearings before sleeping to try and avoid the jet lag.

- Chinese people like to spit alot (even the women) which I kind of like strangely, spitting proper spitting is a bit of a dying art I reckon. Nowt like a good old Hock!!!!

- The Traffic/Pedestrian system = no system at all, its literally ever man for him self, theyre mentalist.

- Saw some people doing this weird sort of walking which we found out was called Tai Ji - one old bird was walking like she'd shat her self.

- There is a lot of Chinese people here, no foreign faces at all. Which is pretty cool as you feel like youre on a different world. You get stared at alot like.

- Went to KFC as we couldnt read/understand/order any food in our zombie like state. Managed to order southern fried fish burgers instead of southern fried chicken!!!!!!

DAY 2 - 20-01-2009

Flight to Beijing, got the bus to Terminal 5 and hung out at the airport for a few hours. Terminal 5 is well posh there is a Harrods, a Gordon Ramsey resturant and a Tiffany's.

Saw Piers Morgan in WHSmiths.

The plane was a massive jumbo, the biggest one Ive ever been on in me life. There were 3 seats then 4 seats then another 3 seats, so thats 2 aisles. Screens in front of each seat and you could control what you watched. There were films, TV shows, music, loads of stuff to keep you occupied on a 9 hour flight.

Heathers screen didnt show any of that, only the live map that you could track the position of the plane in the sky - great eh so 9 hours of just watching an icon of a plane moving a tiny fraction every 2 and a half minutes.

We had her screen reset three or four times but same problem. We decided just to swap every so often.

I watched Ghost town with Ricky Gervais, about 20 mins before the end my screen packed in. Had that reset a couple of times but they couldnt fix it. The boss airhostess then came over all appologectic and said she was going to move us to BUSINESS CLASS, ha ha ha. We couldnt believe it.

We had to do it like an SAS monuever as an Indian chap was kicking up a stink cos he wanted to be moved so we had to put our bags below ankle level and pretty much leg it through all the plebs in normal class and through two other business compartments into ours.

It was absolutely mint. Lie down beds, bigger screens, better earphones and no one else in the whole compartment. One thing about business class is that they have moist bog roll instead of your regular kind. The wealthy must have more delicate and sensitive arses that the common man has.

Got to Beijing @ 10am their time and 2am ours proper shattered as we didnt sleep at all cos we were too excited about being in with the posh nobs.

Got a bus from the airport into town:

- Reminded me a bit of Greece or Turkey with all the unfinished concrete hanging about.
- There was a bad smell of smoke on the bus. Nee smoking ban here.
- There are lots of Chinese people in Beijing.


Canny nice room.

As we checked into our room the Chinese Rozzers raided the room next door armed with loud-halers. Never found out why????

The beds are rock hard, seriously like a plank of wood. But would have slept on a knife edge by then.

DAY 1 - 19-01-2009

The flight to Heathrow late afternoon from Leeds Bradford was a tiny little jet, 2 seats on one side and only one on the other.

We flew straight over London and right over the HSCB building and the London eye.

As we got off one of those city boys over the aisle from us dropped his laptop from the over head locker things and took a canny crack off the deck.