Tuesday 12 May 2009


This is it. Final day of our tour of duty!

Got to Terminal 1 and had to go through 3 security checks at Heathrow.
1. Normal security check with metal detector and x-ray
2. Had our photo taken before the duty free
3. Photo recall just before departure gate to make sure its still the same person

Annoying, but at least London is taking internal flight safety seriously!!!

The flight was 30 minutes long, we taxied on the runway for a longer length of time. Crazy!

Heather and me had to sit separately even though we both had spare seats next to us!!

Guess who was sitting infront of me - Eamonn Holmes, on his way to Manchester!!

Met Kev and Jill at arrivals, it was great to see them. Then off we went back to Leeds. Andy came over in the evening and we had a take away and got about 3/4 of the way through showing them our photos.

Its canny nice being back home, for now anyway, we'll see in a weeks time. I think our house has shrunk! Everything feels smaller. Maybe I've grown, all them burgers in the U.S. might have added a couple of inches to me height!!!


Woke up at 3:00am and left the hostel. Walked to the subway station on 44th street, passing bars and diners and coffee shops still going as if it were happy hour!!

Went down to the subway station and stood for a while and when no trains came we asked this woman when the E train was due. She replied with 'Of course no E train aint running boy!!' Then she proceeded to speak in numbers and colours to try and explain how to connect with the E train via about 4 different trains.

We somehow found our selves some where in the middle of Queens, in the black dark, wondering whether to venture out of the safety of the subway and flag down a cab to take us to the airport. Then help came in the form of a drunken, snaggled toothed, homeless woman. She talked at us for about 20 minutes about the pro's and con's of each of the different train lines we could catch to JFK. She was brilliant. She only had two bottom teeth in her whole mouth and they looked like they'd had a quarrel and were trying to get as far from each other as possible.

I talked to her for a while after getting a good enough route and she was cool man. She had bags of 'stuff' she'd collected and was just riding the subway to find more 'stuff'. She asked if I had a spare subway ticket to give her, which I didnt. Then she asked for a buscuit, I didnt have one of those either. Then she went on her way stopping at this shivvering young lad, who was on his way home from a night out and offered him a hoody she produced out of her bag of 'stuff'. How nice is that? I think she was an Angel!! All she has in this world is a bag of 'stuff' and she wanted to give some of it to a random lad who was in need of it and all she wanted was a buscuit. Not sure if he accepted it as our train came. I wish I'd had had a biscuit to give her - might carry one round with me from now on just in case!!

Caught 3 more trains and finally arrived at JFK. Only to find out from the guy on the desk that we were booked onto a flight to Heathrow in a weeks time and not today!!!!!!!!! Originally our return date was the 16th of May, which was a estimated date untill we fine tuned our plans, then we changed it to the 10th May. We got sent to another desk and a couple of minutes of mixed feeling later it was all sorted and we were checked on to the flight!!

There was a bird flying inside the departure gate, dont know how it got in there, hope it had to go through security like we did. Then the poor thing slammed into a glass wall right beside us with a dull thump and died instantly.

6 hour flight to London Heathrow. We got a good flight time 8:30am landing at 2:30pm (7:30pm British time) so hopefully not have any jet lag as we're not loosing any sleep really. Fingers crossed anyway!!!

Got to the travelodge at Terminal 5. Last leg of the journey tomorrow: London to Manchester, where we'll meet Kev and Jill who are going to take us back to Leeds and home sweet home!!!


Got up early and left the hostel. The hostel is run by this lovely Chinese fella who lives there with his wife and 6 year old kid. The communal shower is their shower with all their stuff in it and the kitchen is their kitchen that they use. Lovely place to stay, feels like your staying with friends in their own home, which I guess it is.

Went for breakfast in a diner round the corner from the hostel, scrambled eggs on toast and endless top ups of Quwwoffeey!!

Set off around Manhattan as soon as we'd finished breakfast, we've only got one day here as we're leaving very early tomorrow morning to fly home, so we're making the most of being here. Walked round the corner to Times Square then down Broadway to see the wedge shaped Flatiron building which looks class. Its Saturday, so there were a load of people out walking their little designer dogs in Madison Square Park. I dont get them daft little dogs, you know them ones that look like shaved rats! I bet its just a matter of time before we find out that they're carriers of the Bubonic Plague!!

Stopped to take a few photo's of the Empire State Building, didnt bother going up it as we went to the top on our honeymoon and remembered how long we queued inside.

Walked up 5th Avenue all the way to Central Park, diverting slightly to have a little look inside Grand Central Station. Had a Quwwoffeey there and watched the world go by for a bit, its a canny busy station! Saw the Crysler Building, which is a cool building!! We then walked up the rest of 5th Avenue and had a look in F.A.O Swartz the big toy shop near Central Park and got our Chloe her birthday present. Spent about an hour walking round Central Park. There was loads of people about, running, walking dogs and that! Then we stopped to watch the University team play softball on the playing fields. (now thats just rounders, at least with baseball they pitch the ball, but in soft ball they use a massive ball and throw it under arm)

Manhattan is stunning. Its such a cool city. Now I know I can only comment on what Ive seen and experienced in 5 days back in 2005 and 2 days this time around so I have no idea what it would be like to live or work in Manhattan and from what Ive read and heard its a pretty tough and hardened city to exist in. Something I read about New Yorkers said that ' The faces in New York look like they've played a game and lost'. But to spend time in New York is truely the best thing I can think of doing if you're in need of something to do! Flashing lights, city nights, busy streets, I LOVE NEW YORK!!!!

We went to Appleby's on Times Square for some scran, the same one we went to on honeymoon and had some ribs. Then the plan was to go to a few bars and head back for an earlyish night as we have to leave at 3:30am to catch the subway to JFK.

Found a bar on 9th avenue on the way back and stayed there all night as the music was quality. Mostly British guitar music: The Cribs, The Smiths, Lilly Allen, The Who, The Beatles they even played Maximo Park so I wasnt going anywhere. Had a great night in there.

Saturday 9 May 2009


Got up dead early to walk to union station to catch the Amtrak to New York.

Nowt much to report - 14 hours on a train!!!!!

Had to stop at the boarder for 2 hours. The customs officers got on the train and checked everything on board and only took off problem people.

It was canny comfortable like, at first I thought we were in first class but we weren't, the seats had enough room for all the chairs to lie down and for the feet rests to come up!

Passed Niagra falls again as we crossed the boarder.

Saw loads of fruit trees all in blossom.

Saw a Beever when we stopped once.

The train goes really slow and stops to let freight trains pass.

Thats about it for the train journey!!

Arrived into Pen station at 11pm, caught the subway to 42 nd street and walked up the subway steps to ground level. I'd forgotten how good this city is. The buildings are so big and look really bonny all lit up at night. I really love New York!! Walked a few blocks and checked into the hostel which is just off Times Square. Every street we walked down was proper buzzing with people even though it was midnight!!!


Woke up and had breakfast in the hostel of pancakes drenched in maple syrup. They love that stuff over here, they even put it on bacon and eggs - a bit too sickly in the morning for me!!!

We got picked up in a mini bus by the company who are taking us to Niagra falls. It took about an hour before the bus had stopped at all the pick up points, then we were off. The first stop, strangely, was a winery!?! We tasted 3 wines and then they tried to flogg us some expensive wine - no one bought any. I cant see how they expect backpackers to fork out 30 quid for a bottle of wine - wouldnt be suprised if the driver had shares in the winery!
Then we drove onto the falls.
The first thing we saw, which shocked me a bit, was a canny big town with massive hotels, casinos and a blackpool style pleasure beach right next to the falls. I'd imagined that we would drive out into the country side and the falls would just be there all solitary. Instead they've built a tourist attraction complex around it, and by attractions I mean Walzers, ghost trains, haunted houses, big wheels, candy floss and all that gash!!!!!

We had about 3 hours to walk around and see the falls. They are amazing like! The size is unbelievable and the volume of water that goes over them bends your head a little bit. We saw the horse shoe falls from the top and the American falls from the Canadian side then got on the Maid of the Mist boat that sails right up to the foot of the horseshoe falls and right inside the mist -it was an incredible sight seeing all that water coming over and landing only meters away, at one point you couldnt see anything as the mist was so thick.

Met back up with the bus and drove to Niagra on the lake for a look round, stopping to see the worlds largest natural whirlpool.

Got back to Toronto about 8pm and went for food in this pub just round the corner from the hostel. Had my first taste of catfish which was well nice!! On the way back I got a compliment of this camp fella waiting to go into this club 'Love yer tash buddy' I think thats what he said anyhow!!!


What a night in that hostel!!!

Firstly this French lad (there's loads of french here) who I'm assuming works for the hostel started cleaning the toilets right outside our room at 1am and had the gaul to sing whilst he did it!! Then a bunch of more ignorant French lads came in about 3am shouting their mouths off and banging on the walls - obviously they couldnt handle there grape juice or what ever they drink!! Then at 6am the straining man made an appearance, I cant be sure that he was French but lets assume he was since Im having a go at them. He was the strangest, he'd go to the toilet and make a really loud painfull straining noise then swear!! The word he used could have been describing what he had just done - Bizzarre!!

The French are temporarily off my Christmas card list!!!!

Wednesday 6 May 2009


Got out into Toronto with a few chores we had to do:
1. Go and pick up our train tickets for New York
2. Book a trip to Niagra falls
3. Get cash out (which is nearly impossible in Canada, there is literally only one bank that recognises Visa)
4. Buy a phone card - so we could phone our neice Chloe on her 3rd birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHLOE

Walked around Toronto for a couple of hours. Its pretty big but unfortunately not that big on being pretty. Alot of the buildings are concrete adn grey - a bit drab looking. Its got a canny atmosphere though, so I could imagine it being a canny place to work but not sure its the greatest place to visit!! So we caught a street car (tram) out of the city to a place called the beaches in the suburbs, which was pretty cool. We walked along the shore of Lake Ontario, which I thought was the Atlantic Ocean but was proved wrong when I licked it and it was fresh water!!
Saw these weird chocolate brown squirrels!!
Went for a coffee and a chill in a coffee shop then trammed it back into Toronto where we walked around for an hour or so and saw a statue or Churchill (Winston not that dog of the adverts)

Walked round the keyside in the evening and had a gander at the CN tower which is massive.

Off to Niagra falls the morra!!!!!


Left Vancouver the day for Toronto. Got up before the sun did, packed our bags up, (AGAIN!!! Not going to miss packing up me backpack everyday) and walked to the bus stop in the dark.

Uneventful flight to Toronto. It took 4 hours which suprised me, forgot how big America and Canada are. Theres also a 3 hour time difference between west and east coast.

Asked a fella in information the best was to get to downtown Toronto - $22 airport shuttle each or $50 taxi he said, then we managed to squeeze out of him that you could just buy a $2.75 transit ticket catch a bus then a subway then a street car (tram) on the same fare - so we did that!!

Got to the hostel late afternoon, not feeling to great at the moment - hoping its just the cat allergy still having a go but Heathers feeling the same - fingers crossed!

Went out to try and pick up our Amtrack tickets to New York from the station but it clsoed at 1pm. So went for some food in a pub near Union station and tried to kill our germs with a few pints and whiskey's.

*WARNING* - Rant coming on!!

Throughout America and Canada we have felt a bit ripped off when going out for food and drinks. The advertised prices are way above prices at home, probably 50% higher, but you can sort of deal with that since you know your'e in a major city so you can expect you food and drinks to cost a bit more. But then the bill comes and they have added on a GST (general service tax), an alcohol tax and another state tax - Now that really gets my goat!!
Secret, hidden, snidey little taxes they dont tell you about. So a $6 pint of beers turns into a $8.50 pint, which is totaly ridiculous! Then, THEN the waitress wants a 20% tip for bring you it or is it a tip for wearing a short skirt?!? - Im sure its your service we're tipping love not how long you can make your legs look!!! c'mon man !!!
Its not just the drinks its food as well, extra taxes are added on to the prices advertised on the menu and then dont forget the tip - its criminal man - makes my blood boil!!!



Hired bike today. Rode them round Stanley park which was good to get a bit of exercise and burn off some burgers. We ate so many burgers in America, its just so much easier and cheaper to grab a burger plus they taste amazing and are massive over here!

Stanley park is quality, they've got bike lanes and roller blade lanes that go all over the park. We saw some original totem poles which was cool.

Spent the afternoon wandering round and taking in Vancouver. Had tea in this little cafe selling homemade soup, which did the job!!!

Up early the morn to catch a flight to Toronto, worked out we've got to catch two buses, first one at 5:45am. It'll be a shame leaving Vancouver as its been so good!!!


Had our breakfast in a canny little cafe in Gastown, which is a cool trendy part of the city. Sat and read the sunday papers and had a few cups of tea and killed a bit of time as we cant check into our next hostel till 11.

Walked about 10 minutes to the next hostel which feels more like and English style B & B. Its quite small and is basically someones house that they rent rooms out. The couple live in the house. Its a lovely old house and we had the loft conversion which felt like a self contained flat. The only thing is that the house is full of cats!! 3 of them stared to molest our bags as soon as our backs were turned when checking in. There were 3 more in our bedroom when we first went in. I scared them off and managed to punt one of them as it went past. Im swallowing antihistamines like no ones buisiness as I dont want to be sniffing and wheezing going through the airport in a couple of days and get arrested for having swine flu!!

Spent the afternoon walking round Vancouver. It brilliant here, I love it, feels a bit like Seattle but better. Youve got every thing you would ever want from a city, massive buildings, a cool skyline, countryside, parks, amazing scenery.

Went over to Glenville island, on an aquabus, where all the artists hang out. It was canny good just chilling out there.

Spent the evening watching some DVDs in our little pretent flat. They've got about 1000 DVDs as they haven't got any cable channels.

Found out them mountains are not the Rockies but the Ocean or Coastal range!!!


Tried to get an early night last night as we were getting up at stupid o'clock to catch the Greyhound. It didnt work, woke up at 2am and didnt sleep the rest of the night - gutted.
Filled up on the free breakfast and Heather nicked some muffins and biscuits and that for the coach ride.

Got to the Greyhound station at about 7:30am and waited till 9am till the bus arrived. A ticket doesn't guarentee you a seat on the bus, its first come first served. so we stood in line for the whole time!!

The bus stopped at the Boarder so we could get through passport control which took and age to get through. Got back on the bus and on to Vancouver. Arrived at Vancouver Greyhound mid afternoon and caight the sky train near to our hostel. Then headed out looking for some Candian dollars as about half a dozen cash points would accept our cards.

Saw a pharmacy called London Drugs!!!

There seems to be only only bank in Vancouver that would yeild us any money!!!

Had a canny night in this microbrewery pubwatching the ice hockey on the big screens they had and drinking the local ales. Had a canny view of some more of them black snow capped mountains.


Seattle is fantastic!!!

Had a free hot buffett breakfast, which was amazing! You could have had anything you wanted. Burgers, sausages, waffles, pancakes - the lot!!

Took the car back, we've driven 1732 miles since L.A. in two weeks. Then went for a walk round pioneer square and the old parts of Seattle, which was very cool. Felt like something out of Bugsy Malone!

Went to the aquarium and saw a massive Octopuss being fed. They've build a salmon ladder that winds around the building and are breeding salmon here in the hope that when they releaese them they will return to spawn in the aquarium and climb the ladder! That would be a sight to see!

Saw river and sea otters and some massive seals. I feel sorry a bit for seals, they look like they've been bred between a fish and a dog!!!

Then we walked round the piers and had fish and chips, they still call them fish and chips not fish and fries!! Had a canny view over the bay of some black snow capped mountains - wonder if they are the rockies!!

Had a look in this pub that had a brewery in the middle of it.

When we were walking round in the afternoon we saw a proper stand off between the cops and some bad guys. There were 8 police cars surrounding a truck, blocking off the whole road. All the rozzers had their guns out pointing at the truck. I thought we were witnessing the capture of Bin Laden for all the fire power they were brandishing!! Then this vagrant looking fella slowly steps out of the truck and got handcuffed, then his mate got floored and cuffed. It was like something out of Bad Boys II. It took 16 coppers and 8 police cars to arrest 2 old codgers. Never found out what they had done - bet it was just speeding or something!!!


Turned our heals to Portland and drove further north to Seattle. Arrived mid afternoon. Got a cheap deal in a quality inn right next to the space needle.

Walked downtown and had a nosey round Pike market which was canny good and round a bit of the town. Nearly every street has a Starbucks on it. The most we counted from a single standing position was 4 Starbucks in our field of view. There must be 1000's of them here!! Its ridiculous! I wonder how people decide which on to go to?

Walked around and found the Greyhound station and bought some tickets to take us across the Caniadian border and to Vancouver, as we're dropping the car off tomorrow.

Then it was Guinness O'Clock, found a canny bar with a very genourous happy hour on so we made the most of Seattles hospitality!!

Sunday 3 May 2009


The shouting from next door, we think, was coming from a drug dealer and his clients. Seriously this place is unreal. Heather woke up at 2am and didnt sleep the rest of the night due to people visiting our narcotic neighbour every 20 minutes throughout the night, strobing passed the gaps in our door. They played music all night, there was a constant chopping sound and there was a very heated argument outside our door between the drug barren and a woman. Then someone started crying from the drug den and then the sound of violent vomminting! You couldnt make this stuff up man!!!!!

We're supposed to stay hear for another night - Nuts to that!!!!! - At first light we're gone!!!!!!

The sun came up with no conclusions!! So we packed up, shoved our key card under the reception door, sacrificed the $40 we'd paid for tonights stay, no doubt old 40 stoner has already eaten them dollar notes by now anyway and then you couldn't see our heals for dust!!!!!!!

Drove around for a while and checked into a travelodge at 10am and went to sleep.

Afternoon came and we had a bit more of a look round Portland. I'm indecisive about Portland, I really wanted Portland to be a highlight of the U.S. I'd looked forward to seeing it so much as Ive a couple of friends who love the place. May be another visit one day is whats needed? or maybe I'd created an idea of Portland from other peoples possitivety and enthusiasm who knows!!

Funny how you quickly build up prejudices against a place after one experience, maybe the phrase 'first impressions count' is true? Well here's hoping that Portland will look more favourably on me second time round!


Set off early and drove on through Redwood lined rally roads which then turned in to Alpine country roads with weird steaming trees. It was like the trees were making clouds and slowly letting them rise out of the forrests to the sky! Beautiful drive!

Arrived in Portland mid afternoon and found the motel that we'd booked and that when things turned a bit surreal!!

The motel was about 2 miles from downtown Portland and I wouldn't be exagerating if I described it as a gang-land ghetto griefhole!! It was the most scared Ive been in all my life. It was in a neighbourhood, that the 40 stone owner and the LL Cool J cleaner told us not to walk down all but 1 single street that surrounded the motel otherwise we'd be caught up in gang affairs and not to be outside after dark - great!!

We're booked in da hood for two nights as well - gutted as we'd heard loads of great things about Portland.

LL Cool J showed us to our room and rambled on about gang violence and about how he grew up on the street in stereotypical gangster gutter chat. LL gave us some towels with suspicious brown stains on them!! The room is filthy aswell, with a carpet of multicoloured hairs in the bath and on the floor. But the crowning feature of the room is that there is a half inch gap around the door frame that leads straight to outside. Just enough room for a beady eye and the cold steel barrel of some hommies piece!!!!

Now I admit that sometimes Im prone to exaggerating but this time Im not. Ask Heather. It was so ridiculous I kept expecting Hommie Beadle to pop out with a stuck on goatee beard and a microphone disguised as a semi automatic weapon and say it was all a prank!!!

We locked our bags to the only thing that was bolted down which turned out to be the furry toilet and went to ask how to get into town so that our jugulars stayed in tact. The 40 stone woman said she used to walk in to town when she was younger - yeah right!! she hasnt walked anywhere!! Ever!!! She may have laid on her back and had someone roll her into town but never physically walked. LL Cool J told us how to avoid the gangs and which bus to get and what hand signals would get us through certain check points!!! So off we went out into Gang Land!!!

We had to walk about 15 minutes before reaching the tram (or trolley in gangster) after that Portland is really nice but before that it was terrifying - run down, derelict buildings, young lads hanging about starring - not good!

The centre of Portland is cool man, its got a bit of a punky atmosphere. A million miles away from the Gangster Paradise where we'll be sleeping for the next two nights!!

Spent a few hours in town then before the sun went down we headed to the motel. Picked up some booze en route to make sure we slept. Watched a bit of tele, got our selves drunk enough to block out the screams in the street and the shouting coming from next door!!!


Set off from San Francisco heading north to Portland, Oregon, 710 miles away. We're giving ourselves 2 days to get there.

Crossed the Golden Gate Bridge , which was class, then headed north on the smaller 101 in favour of going through the Redwood National Park and to pass more of the California coast. It was a canny drive up that road, we passed the rugged west coast and snaked through alpine and Redwood groves. The Redwoods are freakishly big, like something out of Jurassic Park. Also this is Big Foot country, there has been over 50 sightings of him in these forrests, We didnt see him but we did see a not so brazon racoon - it was dead by the side of the road and its black and white stripes had started to fade - must have heard Shearer was in charge of Newcastle!!!!

Pulled over in the Redwood Park which the road winds through and saw a tree, whose trunk was 22 foot wide!!!!

Drove 360 miles today and reached Crescent City, a small town with nothing but motels in it, 100's of them. So we had no probblem finding somewhere to sleep. About half way to Portland. We'll cross over into Oregon first thing tomorrow. Another 350 miles to Portland!


Had a lie in and caught the free breakfast again and signed up for $5 dinner. Caught a train out of San Francisco in to Oakland. Got off at the Oakland A's collesuem stadium and followed the crowd to the ticket office to get some baseball tickets.

We got some really cheap tickets in the bleachers which were canny good seats. We went into the ground, got bag searched, then a military style ticket check, then a steward woman said something about chewing gum. SO I offered her some, trying to wind her up, as I thought she was telling me to get rid of mine but she was actually asking if she could have some, so I gave her some and asked her how to get to the bleachers. When she found out it was our first baseball game and that we were from Eeeeennglaaaaaaannnd!! She got dead excited and bullied this chap into giving up all this Oakland Athletic merchandise!!

We found some seats facing the batter. The pitch was smaller than I thought it would have been so we were quite close to the players. Before the game started everyone stood for the national anthem and put there caps on their hearts and belted it out with tears in their eyes. It was little league day so there were loads of hyper kids that got in free so the park was pretty full - canny little atmosphere!! It was a great afternoon, the sun was shining, the crowd were well up for it and I didnt have the foggiest clue what was going on! The game lasted about 3 hours and between the two of us we sort of worked out what the rules were! I'd definately go again even though no one hit the ball out of the park!

Caught the BART back in to San Francisco late afternoon and headed back for our $5 food which was amazing: Pork loin with loads of veg and loads of salad - Bargain - just hope to pig didnt having the sniffles before it was killed!!!!


Went over to the Adalaide again for a free breakfast. Its really good for being free, as many bagals and as much toast as you like. Fills you up anyway and keeps you going till the afternoon.

Did our little trick of finding a bus route that goes round most of the city and stayed on most of the way round so we got to see a lot of the city in about an hour. Got off off near to the Golden Gate Bridge as we could and then walked through Crissy fields to the Bridge. We had an amazingly clear day, even if it was windy and freezing cold. So we got great views of the Bridge. It looks class like, its definately in the top 3 of my world bridge league tables.

It was chocka round the bridge with people having BBQ's in the parks and people playing on the beaches or jogging or bike riding. Canny little atmosphere round there!!

Ended up catching the wrong bus back into town and goodness knows where we ended up, but managed to find a train that took us back into town.

Went for a few drinks in this Irish bar where they had a band on, they were class! Just did covers but got everyone up!!! There was this woman about 40 years old dressed in white jeans and a white top who pimped her self for pints of Guiness! She'd dance and flirt with some old fat mand then get him to buy her a pint then go off with another greasy looking fella and get another pint!! Heather found her well annoying and kept refering to her as the Tart in White. She'd have vexed me aswell if she hadn't been so successful, she got bought pint after pint of Guiness. For a second I thought of giving it a go myself just for the pure volume of pintage she was getting - fair play. Then there was the 80's throw-back couple, they were class, they were middle aged and still dressed like they probably did back in the day. He was in a baggy black polo neck top and an over sized double breasted gret suit and Heather kept saying he looked like the cat who'd got the cream as he was so pleased with his dancing skills when A/C D/C got played! Top night like!!!