Friday 13 February 2009

DAY 23 - 10-02-2009 HONG KONG

Shenzhen - 10:30am. Got off the train, now shorts weather, strange how I cant remember how cold we were in Beijing!!!

Went through imigration into Hong Kong. Got passports stamped. Got three metros to Jordon station and checked into hotel.

Hong Kong uses the policy 1 country 2 systems where basically Hong Kong has carried on being the same Honk Kong under Chinese rule as it was under British.

- Car drive on left (therefore no crazy right turns at red lights)
- All signs are in English
- Buildings look western
- No Spitting allowed
- No Hawking (?) (could be psitting again)
- No smoking in public places
- You can buy porn
- You can protest (saw three protests in an hour - some bank or other are crooks apparently)
- Everything costs more
- You cna be as capitalist as you fancy.

Hong Kong a fantastic city!! Went to the avenue of stars (like in LA with the cement handprints of China's film stars) Saw the amazing skyline of Hong Kong Island. Got the ferry across to the island (we are staying on Kowloon)

Met up with everyone for the last meal together. Had Star fish (tasted of sand) and chickens feet (like chewing on a bic biro)

Went to Temple street night market. Lots of holiday makers on their way somewhere on their day or two stop over in Hong Kong. Lots of shiney white trainers and bum bags buying tat off of the peddlers (that dont even haggle with you as they are so used to foreigners that cant wait to buy their I heart Hong Kong t-shirts and happy budda heads.

We did see this fella trying to sell the budda heads with four faces on one head. He picks one up and oes ' happy happy lucky lucky' then bursts into hysterics then stops just as quickly as he started and says ' hundred dolla'

Went back to Blue Adams room and got battered with everyone and made plans with Ling to come back next year, when she's not working, and go camping in Tibet.

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