Friday 13 February 2009

DAY 19 - 06-02-2009 YANGSHOU

12 of us went out on the hunt for some bikes. First lady we came across got us chatting and said she'd get us bikes and come with us to get us out of town and into the country, so we took up her offer. She's called Esther adn had this little book of nice things people had said about her. She was hilarious!! She even had a cut out from a Swedish newspaper she'd been in.

We set off out of town and played a game of chicken with the Ynagshou traffic system till we got into the countryside. Another hot day.

We rode for a few hours through the Madonna mountains and stopped at a place called moon hill - a mountain with a hole in it that looks like a moon.

Got pestered to buy a drink of this toothless Chinese bird and foolishly I said later as we were going for a drink in the moon pig cafe! On the way out she ran about 200m straight at me, smiling her toothless smile so I had to buy some water off of her.

The countryside is even better here. It unbelievable!!

Saw this dead old lass bent double pulling an ox 4 times the size of her. She got me to take a photo of her then rran after me for some money. I was too quick for this one as I had wheels!!!

Rode for another couple of hours back into town. Easily the best bike ride Ive been on, even better than the great Finchale Abbey bike ride of '96.

Arse to proper killing now like!!

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