Wednesday 25 February 2009

DAY 35 22-02-2009 - KO SAMUI

Filled up with free breakfast again! Problem with eating a big breakfast is that I get hungry earlier than if I dont have any breafast.

Pool had been visited by the towel fairies. Only about 6 people there but all the beds taken up with towels - Swines!!!!!

So went to the beach. Tide was in and the beachs are pretty narrow so you're lying on the bed and the tide comes straight under the bed which is weird.!!!

Had crisp sandwhiches for tea and watched Die Hard in English with english subtitles. They sensor out all religious references but not swearing which was strange.

They wouldnt allow 'Jesus Mary Mother of God' (although the subtitles still said it) but they would allow 'Yipee Kaiyay Mother effer'

DAY 34 - 21-02-2009 KOH SAMUI

Had breakfast at the hotel -free buffet -well nice - anything you want. Filled up with free food so we dont have to have to buy any till night time as the hotel is a bit higher than we'd like to pay. So we're sacrificing food for shelter (and a pool)

Sat round the pool and planned the rest of Thailand and Malysia:

Plan is:

- Ferry to Ko Phangan - stay three nights
- Ferry back to Ko Samui - stay back there three nights
- Fly from Ko Samui to Kuala Lumpur - stay there three nights
- Bus to Singapore - stay there twonights

We were planning to get a bus to K L but the flight isn't much more than a bus or train ticket plus we'd save ourselfs well over 24 hours in travelling time.

Booked flight through a lass at the hotel.

Walked ino the village, had food and watched the Sunderland game.

DAY 33 - 20-02-2009 - KOH SAMUI

Got 50 mins kip last night. They dont switch the lights off so I had to use a dirty pair of boxers to cover me eyes and they're nothing stopping you faling off the top bunk!!

Got to Surat Thani train station and rapidly ushered onto a bus. For a while I thought we'd been taken capive but they came through as a few hours later we were at the pier to take us to Koh Samui.

1 1/2 hours later we arrived! Jumped onto the back of one of those lorry taxi's. Got off at Hat Bophut.

I sat with the bags for about an hour while Heather went on a recky to find somewhere to stay. Its quite expensive to stay here (Thai standards not British) no 3 pund rooms here. Got an air con, en suite with pool. Strange that theres a pool since the beach is only a stones throw away. Might be of use as the sand on the beach is a bit more course than on Koh Samet!!

The sea here is green but constantly changes to dark blue, which makes it look like a camoflague pattern. Its when the clouds cast shadows on the sea. Shows how clear the water is!!!!

Found an Ozzy bar thats showing the Sunderland Arsenel game tomorrow night!

DAY 32 - 19-02-2009 - SLEEPER TO SURAT THANI

The sleepers are different to the ones in China. No compartments, jus a long central walk way with lots of beds either side. One up one down. The down one folds out as two seats that face each other.

Lots of foreigners (mainly Germans and French) on this train. We do have a Thai family over from us. They have a two year old who has shoes that squeak, like Sweep off of the Sooty Show, each time she takes a step. Funny for the first 20 seconds them it makes you want to rip off your ears and throw them at the stupid parents for:

a) buying them in the first place,
b) not taing them off their over excitable child, whose new hobby seems to be jumping on the spot.
c) still not taking them off her before both parent fall asleep.

This kid is mental, she cant sit still for two seconds, I think her parents have given her too many e numbers today, either that or she's on crack!! It sounds like Sweeps been on an amphetamine binge!!

Hells bells!!!! Shes climbing up the ladder to the upper bunk and parents are still asleep. Going to have to intervene!!!!

Ended up playing round and round the garden with the cocaine kid for nearly an hour!!! Managed to get Sweep off her though!!!!!

DAY 32 - 19-02-2009 - TRAVELLING

Air Con was A Con!!!! It did work to an extent but still an uncomfortable night.

On the road again today and best part of tomorrow.


- walked to pier - waited around !

- got to mainland bus station - waited around !

We must have sat on the wheels of the bus and they must have just tightened the suspension or something as we bounced around (got lifted off our seats) for 3 1/2 hours.

- picked our bags up from hostel in Bangkok

- got to Bangkok train station - waited around !

Had to stand for the national anthem in the train station at 6pm. The waiting area was pretty comfy and clean then you go through to the platforms ans its like stepping back in to the victorian era. The whole 4 platforms are full of thick black diesel fumes and all 4 waiting trains sit there waiting, engines rumbling away, apitting out dirty black fumes.
You cant see the end of any train or even the roof of the station as the smog is that thick.

All thats left is to see Dick Van Dyke and his Chiminey sweep mates jump out shouting

- got on train to Surat Thani at 7:30pm

DAY 31 - 18-02-2009 - KOH SAMET

Another day on the beach, another breakfast of golf ball beans on toast. Took it easy in the sun today!

Get in!!!!!!!!!! Managed to aquire our sels an air con room for our last night here.

Had luch at another bar down the beach. The barman showed me a canny litttle trick with a beer bottle top.

DAY 30 - 17-02-2009 - KOH SAMET

Had breakfast on the beach - beast on toast - the beans were about the size of acorns man, they were massive.

Spent the day on the beach doing absolutely nowt bar read and sleep!!!

Heather spent most of the day in shade and still got sunburned, she had proper Panda eyes as she'd kept her sun goggs on all day.

On the beach there's these tiny little crabs that burrow tunels in the sand and come up and spit out balls of sand. Al you can see at first is hundreds of balls of sand around the holes then the crabs burst out.

Went for tead back at Jeps -Thai Curry - green for me red for Heather.

Had a terribleights kip in the room last night. It was swelteringly hot, the sweat buckets out of you whilst the fan does its best at blowing hot air at you as you try and sleep - nightmare

DAY 29 -16-02-2009 - KOH SAMET

Gotup early and checked out of Hi Sukumvit hostel. Pu our big bags in storage and headed for the bus station. Got the bus to Bamphe and ferry to Nadan pier on Koh Samet island. Jumped of the back of a lorry, which doubled as a taxi.

We found the beach we wanted to stay on and went on the search for a place to stay. Most places were full except the most expensive rooms/bungalows. We managed to get a room for 3 quid a night. If you've ever seen the film the beach - the room he stays in before he reaches the island is not far from this one, only difference is there is no crazy Scottish fela burrowing his way into the room with a secret map and slitting his wrists.

Its a room about the size of a double bed, as it fits a double bed in with a foot either side for our bags. The windows and cracks in the wooden walls, leading to outside, are gaffered up to prevent the mozzys getting in. The bog and showers are a little walk away, the shower is a square room with a hole in the wall where a hose pipe pops out. But for 3 pund a night you cant grumble.

Went for a walk along the beach. The island is jungle except the narrow edges of beaches along its perrimeter and the beaches are so good!!!!!!

Long blinding whote sand that is so fine that it fizzes under foot like when you put a Quaver on your tongue. The green sea is crystal clear and stretches out as far as you can see. The coast is full of palm trees that are abour 3-4 story's high and the beach huts and bungalows sit in between the coconut and palm trees on the beach and up into the jungle. Its amazing!!!!

Chilled out in the beach bar where we are staying -JEP'S BUNGALOWS- then went to another to watch Quantum of Solice

DAY 28 - 15-02-2009 - continued

On our way back to meet the rest we went to see Wat Trimitr - 3 meter solid gold Budda. It was only discovered in the 50's as it was covered in plaster to disquise it from theives when they moved it to Bangkok. It worth 10 million USD.

From there we neededto get a boat to take us back to Khao san Road. We ended up getting lost in Chian town, we wandered for an hour or so until a fella stopped us and said 'why are you here, there's nothing to see here' We thought he was trying to get us to take a Tuk Tuk but he was just being nice.

A lot of people here are very dishonest, every corner you turn your stopped by someone trying to take a Tuk Tuk somewhere you dont want to go - then sell you something you dont want to buy when youre there. They even tell you places are closed when you do tell them where you are going. It makes you a bit wary of everyone!!!

Eventually found the river and our boat!

The river is a pretty interesting to be on. Its packed with longtail boats, ferry tours, fishing boats, transportation vessels. There are swirls of vegatation all over the surface of the river, wether they've been disturbed from the river bed or the river bank I dont know. The best thing are the fish, I dont know what they are but they jump out of the water in their shoals when boats pass. I dont know if they are feeding on whats been disturbed by the boats or are just freeking out from the vibrations of the motors. Either way its a canny good thing to watch.

Saw a woman waist deep in the river, under one of the piers checking her fishing nets. There are a few rod and line fishermen onthe bank.

Met up with the rest and had a few drinks and the best kebab Ive ever had in my life from a street seller. Few more drinks and then we said our goodbyes. Could possibly bump into the lads again but Sophie is travelling in a different direction to us now. So wont see her for a while as she's travelling for a year.

Got on the 511 bus, the same as we got last night and got kicked off!!!!! So we had to wait and get the next one!!!

Saturday 21 February 2009

DAY 28 - 15-02-2009 - BANGKOK STILL

Met Sophie and few of the boys@ Siam station and went on the Mo Chit on the skyrail. Went to Chatachuk weekend market. 8,000 stalls selling everything from T-shirts - triangular pillows - Antique amulets. Very Busy and sweaty.

Heather and me left everyone to go to the train station to book a sleeper to Surat Thani. We'd been warned by various guide book to be aware of people trying to sell you trips. As we approached the station, as of on cue, a very friendly lady asked if she could help. She said she was from T.A.T. the officail travel agent in Bangkok. She went through our palns and gave us loads of information then took us away from the station to book the tickets, syaing that the train station cant book us the bus and ferry tickets we would need to get to the Island. We must have walked for about 5 mins before Heather turned us around and we left her.

Naturally we could and did buy the train, bus and ferry tickets we needed to get to Ko Samui. I think one of the things that made unsure of her 'official' status was instead of her badge saying T.A.T. it said T.I.T seriously!!!!!!!!

DAY 27 - 14-02-2009 - BANGKOK STILL

Skytrained it to the river again then longtail to the Grand Palace. You are supposed to dress appropriatley there so they borrowed me a pair of Ghandi Pants to where.

The Palace is amazing, alot shineyer and glittery than owt we saw in China. The whole place sparkles in the sun. We spent alot of time lookinmg for shade as it was canny hot. Even the spacious Ghandi Pants dont vent you that well!!

Got our photo taken by this woman monk, dressed all in white robes sporting a skin head.

We met up with Sophie on Khao San Road, she flew in this morning, Went for some food then got the longtail down to the reclining Budda. Which is a massive Golden Budda lying on its side chilling out. Its supposed to represent the highest state of peace before you dissolve into Karma or something like that. Didnt read the whole info board. BUT did see a statue of what I thought was the Hitcher from the Mighty Boosh. A fella pointed out that it was Marco Polo. Well I was close as the Hitcher has a Polo eye.

Went back to K S R and met up with the tall boys. Took them ages to arrive, they'd been stopped by a suit toute and Blue Adam and Tom paid 200 quid for a suit!!!!!!! They are leaving tomorrow and it needs to be made from scratch!!!

Went to a few bars and met up with the Brum lads.

We'd missed all the boats out of the backpacker area as it was late on (the main part of Bangkok has terrible transprot links)

We drinkenly got on a bus we thought would take us back to our hostel. After 45 minutes and a little help from a chap behind us we eventually arrived at our stop.

The buses have conductors, that rattle a long metal pringles tube full of cash and tickets!!!

Friday 20 February 2009

DAY 26 -13-02-20009 - BANGKOK

Got the Skyrail to the river and took a river boat upto Khao San Road to have a butchers. Its mental round there, with stalls and markets and bars and hostels. Its like a place set up to sell stuff to backpackers before they set off on their travels.
You can buy anything you want round here - even get yourself a fake press pass!!!!!! why would you want one?

Thought about moving to a hostel closer to K S R but they're more expensive so we'll try and get another few nights in the one we're in as this is our last night in our hostel.

Went and saw the Golden Mount, which is pretty cool. From the top you can see the whole of Bangkok. People were burning incense and praying to the Buddas. They were also repainting the mount with Gold paint. Weird - I assumed it was made of real Gold!!

Got on a random longtail boat on a canal to a shopping mall -looking for a mossy net for when we get to the islands. - Didnt find one!!

Got Skytrain back to the hostel and sat downstairs with the rest of the backpackers and planned our next 3 weeks in Thailand!


-Koh Samet for few days by boat and ferry
-Back to Bangkok
-Overnight train to Surat Thani
-Ferry to Koh Samui for a week or so
-See what happens

Tried to book another 2 nights in the hostel -HI SUKUMVIT- but they were fully booked, but we've got a mixed dorm to stay in.

DAY 25 - 12-02-2009 - BANGKOK

Didnt get much kip on the chairs in the airport. I had a bag of monkey nuts in me bag that I was using as a pillow and it crunched everytime I moved me head.

Had a few hours then went for a Popeye Burger, thats a burger that you eat and watch endless episodes of Popeye but they market it as a Popeye burger - No spinach burger or owt just a burger and an cartoon!!!

Plane to Bangkok - Got a bus to the hostel. There were a couple of dodgy old British fella's on the bus - I reckon they're after Thai brides, already noticed a few old men with stunning young Thai girls. No LADY BOYS spotted as yet but Im still looking.

Hostel is pretty cool. Shared bathroom, air con (which is a gift sent from Heaven above -as its hot here 30 degrees) Did a bit laundry on the roof of the hostel. They've got this chill out balcony with a 4 stringed guitar which is canny good.

Saw an Elephant walking down the street on the way back from the pub. First I thought Id had too much and was seeing the 'Pink Elephant' like when Dumbo got drunk taht time - but it was grey!

There are taxi's here the colour of Wham bars. Bright shocking pink. I wanna lick one!!

The hostels a canny trip to the backpacker area of Bangkok, round Khao San Road but Bangkok is such a crazy city that it might be good to get away from it at the end of the day.

Friday 13 February 2009

DAY 24 - 11-02-2009 HONG KONG

Last offical day in China!

Checked out of room and left bags in storage. Left behind thermals and some other cold weather gear!!

Went across to Hong Kong island on metro adn on the HK island tram which took us to the highest point to look over Honk Kong's north shore. Spectacular views from up there even though it was a bit hazy.

Got asked by a Chinese school boy called Martin to answer some questions for a survey he was doing for school and got me photo taken with him by his mate.

Said our goodbyes to John and Rachael. theyre going to meet a mate who lives in here. Pretty sad to leave them but hopefully meet up at somepoint back in blighty.

Met Sophie, Russ and Clare in a coffe shop then bumped into the tall lads.

Watched the light show - lots of skyscrapers on the Hong Kong side of the river put on a light display each night at 8pm. I'd heard alot about it and I was ready for it to change my life - it didnt but was still good.

Bumped into the Brum lads and all went for food up Nathan street.

Picked bags up from the hotel storage and Heather and me caught our bus to the airport @ 10pm flight is at 9am tomorrow orning so we're gonna kip at the airport to save messing around finding a new place to sleep.

DAY 23 - 10-02-2009 HONG KONG

Shenzhen - 10:30am. Got off the train, now shorts weather, strange how I cant remember how cold we were in Beijing!!!

Went through imigration into Hong Kong. Got passports stamped. Got three metros to Jordon station and checked into hotel.

Hong Kong uses the policy 1 country 2 systems where basically Hong Kong has carried on being the same Honk Kong under Chinese rule as it was under British.

- Car drive on left (therefore no crazy right turns at red lights)
- All signs are in English
- Buildings look western
- No Spitting allowed
- No Hawking (?) (could be psitting again)
- No smoking in public places
- You can buy porn
- You can protest (saw three protests in an hour - some bank or other are crooks apparently)
- Everything costs more
- You cna be as capitalist as you fancy.

Hong Kong a fantastic city!! Went to the avenue of stars (like in LA with the cement handprints of China's film stars) Saw the amazing skyline of Hong Kong Island. Got the ferry across to the island (we are staying on Kowloon)

Met up with everyone for the last meal together. Had Star fish (tasted of sand) and chickens feet (like chewing on a bic biro)

Went to Temple street night market. Lots of holiday makers on their way somewhere on their day or two stop over in Hong Kong. Lots of shiney white trainers and bum bags buying tat off of the peddlers (that dont even haggle with you as they are so used to foreigners that cant wait to buy their I heart Hong Kong t-shirts and happy budda heads.

We did see this fella trying to sell the budda heads with four faces on one head. He picks one up and oes ' happy happy lucky lucky' then bursts into hysterics then stops just as quickly as he started and says ' hundred dolla'

Went back to Blue Adams room and got battered with everyone and made plans with Ling to come back next year, when she's not working, and go camping in Tibet.

DAY 22 - 09-02-2009 TRAVELLING AGAIN

Another travelling day today. Had to start catching the same public buses back to Guilin at 1pm, which meant getting there at 12pm to make sure we could sit down.

Spent the morning wandering round Deadwood, we followed a trail of fresh blood (serioulsy) for about 20 mins, never saw the injuried party. We were follwed by a troop of dogs, never seen the breed before, they just known locally ast guard dogs - look like wolves.

Got the bus for a couple of hours, did the swap with another bus again, then a couple more hours back to Guilin.

Guilin is dirty and it stinks.

Went to the worst bog on my whole life. Worse than a 5 day old Glastonbury long drop. The smell of ammonia sindged the hairs off your eyeballs it was that strong. There were turds in every corner of the room and just a Roman style trough that ran through the building that everyone did their buisness, in hope that it would flow down way from them into another poor souls path - BAD TIMES ! ! ! !

We had 5 1/2 hours to kill in Guilin before a 16 hour hard sleeper to Hong Kong. 5 1/2 hours in smelly Guilin.

John, Rachael, Sophie, Heather and me walked round, got racially abused by the internet lady, found some edible food and came across a fantastic lake with one of those 9 cornered bridges of death (like in Shanghai) leading to a temple in the middle of the lake. No people of the bridge this time so just a bridge! Had our pictures taken by more chinese.

Last day of spring fest so loads more fire crackers going off.

John gave an English lesson to a Chinese lass in a coffe shop.

Got on the sleeper @ 10pm. We had a Chinese lass in with us this time, she snored all night. Half way through the night the underwire in her bra pinged off and fell on the floor. Me and John named her Ping Ping the snoring lady.

The novelty of overnight sleepers has worn off now I think, no one takes any photos and theres no general excitment for spending the best part of a day cramped up in a bunk anymore.
Still, good crack was had!!!!

DAY 21 - 08-02-2009 LONGJI TERRACES

Met @ breakfast a lass from Ping an, the town we will stay in tonight, who will show us the way through the terraces and over the mountains. She was paid by one of the girls to carry her bag!!! I dont think she was that bothered like since she got some money and she was fitter than any of us.

Walked for about 5 hours through the most amazing landscape of mountains and terraced fields.

The steep sided valleys have been carved over centuries to form very tight stair like formations down the mountain slope. from higher up it looks like contour lines on a map.

On the way we were hassled a bit by the locals to buy their hand made stuff and by the local Yoa girls asking for money to show us thir long hair.

The weather was perfect for walking, about 25 degrees and a little bit of wind to cool you down. Had some good crack walking a talking.

Stopped at this village en route for a breather and loads of people appeared from no where to stare at the white folk (or pink folk due to the sunburn)

Arrived at Ping an and saw the tourist trap we'd been told about, which wasnt that bad. Ping an's a bigger place than last night. I quite like it. It feels like some wild west frontier town like Deadwood!! Half built wooden hotels and houses, pigs, dogs, horses and cattle wondering round muddy paths. The sound of hammering and sawing and cockrills crowing. I half expected some drunken cowboy to fall out a saloon with bullets in his yella belly followed by wild Bill Hickock or something like that!!

Found the accomodation down the windy cobbled streets, showered and sat of the wooden balcony playing cards, drinking beers and overlooking the terraces - GOOD TIMES ! ! !

DAY 20 - 07-02-2009 TRAVELLING

Got a bus from Yangshou back to Guilin - Choka again

We're trekking through the rice terraces of Longji for the next couple of days, up in the mountains known as the Dragons Spine.

We're staying with the Yao people tonight in Dazai.

The mountains here are populated by a number of different minority groups most are the Zhuang but there are others, Miao, Dong, and our Yao people.

The Yao women still wear their traditional gear, bright pink tops adn black skirts and black leggings, they have long hair that goes down to the floor and they rap it round their heads and pin it together.

The Yao people apparently still hunt for a living and are described by the locals as rustic savages that are just happy to own a gun and a knife!!!

In Guilin we left our big bags in storage and got on another bus. This mini bus still had 17 of us and a good 10 Chinese on it and there were about 15 seats.

They use buses i n this part of China as a post man as their isnt a postal service here so Chickens, Dogs, boxes and parcels are put on a bus and collected at their destination.

The bus took us into mountainous countryside. It is epic countryside as well. The kind I imagine Canada's Rocky's look like. The kind you'd see hairy bears in.

On the journey saw:

- Duck farms
- Babies on Mopeds (no helmets)
- Two Babies on a moped
- Lettece growing in the ground on the road side
- Drivers overtaking on blind corners.

The bus stopped randomly and we were ushered off on litterally jumped onto another one which took us higher up the mountains.

The rivers are bluer tahn blue here adn the mountains are so densely covered in bamboo and trees that no part of the mountain floor is visable.

Coupke of hours and we reached the village of Dazai. Its an hour trek (the last 500m above sea level) up to where we are staying.

The terraces are already in sight. The village, with its wooden homes and cobbled paths is squeezed into a steep fold in the mountain.

The people here are very friendly, we passed many of them hearding cows and horses, which were carrying bricks and sticks.

These valleys have only recently got electricity and phone lines. Alot of traders from Yangshou have come over to surrounding villages and towns with a better knowledge of tourist and their need for crappy souvenirs, which is making it harder for the local minority groups to ern a living. None here in Dazai though.

Played a few games of Mahjong.

Had food straight from the ground, all local to that village, probably even to that house.

DAY 19 - 06-02-2009 YANGSHOU

12 of us went out on the hunt for some bikes. First lady we came across got us chatting and said she'd get us bikes and come with us to get us out of town and into the country, so we took up her offer. She's called Esther adn had this little book of nice things people had said about her. She was hilarious!! She even had a cut out from a Swedish newspaper she'd been in.

We set off out of town and played a game of chicken with the Ynagshou traffic system till we got into the countryside. Another hot day.

We rode for a few hours through the Madonna mountains and stopped at a place called moon hill - a mountain with a hole in it that looks like a moon.

Got pestered to buy a drink of this toothless Chinese bird and foolishly I said later as we were going for a drink in the moon pig cafe! On the way out she ran about 200m straight at me, smiling her toothless smile so I had to buy some water off of her.

The countryside is even better here. It unbelievable!!

Saw this dead old lass bent double pulling an ox 4 times the size of her. She got me to take a photo of her then rran after me for some money. I was too quick for this one as I had wheels!!!

Rode for another couple of hours back into town. Easily the best bike ride Ive been on, even better than the great Finchale Abbey bike ride of '96.

Arse to proper killing now like!!

Thursday 5 February 2009

DAY 18 - 05-02-2009 YANGSHOU

Up early today. Droped me laundry off with Manuel, should be read this evening.

Heather, John, Sophie and me met this fella in the reception area and he took us to the local park to teach us a bit of Tai Chi. The park was masive and packed with local Chinese doing Tai Chi to music and playing cards on these stone tables and chairs that are all over the place, we all said that they wouldnt last five minutes in an English park.

Saw a five piece band practicing, there were two of these large four stringed mandolin things, two of these one stringed instrument they were playing with a bow and a bamboo flute. Sounded canny good!!

The little fella (never found out his name, he looked a bit like Penfold off of Danger Mouse) took us to a quieter part of the park. Before we started he gave us a bit of history and explained the steps. Then he started to take off his trousers which revield a pair of shiney satin white Tai Chi pants. The basic form is 24 steps, we learned 5 of them in an hour. It was so good to do and pretty hard. He kept saying pusshhh the baaalllll, puusshh the baaallllll. There were no balls!!!!
The passing Chinese thought it hilarious and kept taking photos of us doing it.

After a shower we met up with Rachel and all went for breakfast and the sun had his hat on and he was coming out to play. It was red hot. Proper sunglasses and T-shirt weather. The sun burnt of alot of the mist and fog that we had yesterday so the surrounding mountains looked incredible.

Wandered round and me and John got bartering with a fella for a Mahjong set. Which we got for half the price.

Whilst I'm showing off me bargining skills, we went down to the river and got a boat (I say a boat it was entirely made from Bamboo apart from a metal frame used as a sun sheild) for 15 Yuan each when she started of at 60. She started papping her sel when we were walking towards the other boat peddlers, she kept tutting and saying 'no money, no money' when she agreed the fare.

We were on the boat just over an hour and it took us down the river away from the town. It was dead peaceful and quiet. We saw the Cormarant fishermen and young lads fishing from single man boats with rod and line. We saw ladies washing their clothes in the river. Oxes drinking from the river. All these river boats that people lived on. It was brilliant.

Went for a coffee and had a bash at Mahjong, now thats a pretty tough game to understand. John had played it before and tried to teach us. Its nothing like the Mahjong on the PC when you just match up the tiles. This is hardcore Mahjong.

Got me laundry back in one piece, that Manuel must work canny hard!

Went for some dinner and then drinks then when we came back to Fawlty Towers in the early hours of the morning the buildings in front of the hotel had gone. Totally knocked down. I thought for one second that I was in an episode of Fawlty Towers, kept expecting Manuel to come running in saying ' Mr Fawlty, Mr Fawlty, where is the hotel, it no there anymore'

Crazy Stuff!!!!!

DAY 17 - 04-02-2009 YANGSHOU

Didnt get up till 1:00pm because of last nights antics. Got a leeetle bit drunk!! Played fuuzball with a chinese girls and got battered of her.

Heather went out early in the morning with Sophie. John and Rachel haggling in the street markets.

The town really is beautiful, theres loads and loads and loads of little tiny winding streets and feels a little bit like a mediteranian town atmosphere.

Met up with Heather and Sophie and I had breakfast of fried rice and beef. Very Nice.

Saw this fella sitting on a bench dressed in black traditional chinese atire with a long thin mustache like you see in them Kung Fu films. In front of him he had a long bamboo cane with two Cormarants sitting on each end.

Heather had read that they use Cormarants to catch fish.

They train them from birth to fish for them. They put these rings round their necks so that they cant swollow the fish. Then when the Chinese fisherman calls them back to the boat (which is litterally a few long banboo canes lashed together) they pull the fish out of their mouths. Apparently they let them eat the seventh fish otherwise the birds wouldnt work for them!

Strange - in England fishermen are allowed to kill Cormarants as the destroy fish stock.

Walked around for hours round the little streets looking at all the wares on offer. Heather got this silk double sided dressing gown.
Then we walked along the riverbank and saw the cormarant fishermen actually using the birds to fish - it was mint!

The scenery here is breathtaking - never seen a landscape like it in my whole life. Keep thinking its not real or I'm in The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings or something.

John, Rachel, Clare, Russ, Sophie, Heather and me went for food in a resaurant full of Chinese people eating (good sign) half way through the meal the place started stinking of sewers, so we ate up quickly and left.

Also they had Dog on the menu.

Saw a mother holding her baby, squatting so that baby could empty his bowels on the street - nice!!

Fawlty Tower's has a laundry service - so gonna ask Manuel to wash me dudds for me tomorrow.


These are them!!! the place is covered in mountains like these.

Wednesday 4 February 2009


This town is well cool. Its set in the countryside with these random crops of mountains that are really high but quite small!!!! If that makes sense! The only way I can think to describe it is that they are similar to loads of Madonna's pointy bra's sticky up from the ground. Really steep sides that you'd have to rock climb up and miles high.

I cant work out how they were formed, usually a river/stream/glacier carves out a valley leaving mountains but these are all over the place.

They are covered in tree's all the way to the peaks so look like massive green Madonna Bra's randomly set all over the place!!!

Any idea's how they were formed? Leg's will probably know?

I'll try put a photo on at some point. The computers here are teediously, tediously, teadilously slow and not many of them about. USB connections dont seem to work either. But I'll try and get some on.

Managed to get this random one on of some little chinese ladies on a boat.


The train has slowed down by 2 hours!!!! We set off yesterday at 4pm and due to get in at 6pm today!! that makes 26 hours!!!!!!!!!

We keep stopping to let other trains pass in the line - Ling says it to allow more important trains pass quicker - 'we're only human's remember'

The countryside has changed - Limestones hills nad a lot of farm land - looks like rice fields.

Hoping ipod has enough juice to take me to Yangshuo!!!!!

The last few hours on the train dragged abit. everyone got their gear sorted and just sat waiting to get off.

Came close to getting a DVT from the lack of movement.

Once off the train we were ushered onto a bus, another 2 hours on public transport to Yangshou. We were the lucky ones as we managed to get there first and actually get some seats. The Chinese who came after us were in the aisle but its illegal to have satnding passengers so they sat down in the aisle on them little stools you used to have as a bairn so you could reach the toilet.

Two hours later (two hours of Mr Bean on the bus) we got to Yangshou and checked into, wait for it . . . . . . . .

. . . Fawlty Towers, no word of a lie we are staying in Fawlty Towers and theres even a little Chinese fella called Manuel. ha ha ha

And some of the signs are written wrong like in the opening credits.


At first glance, from where we stayed, Shanghai is a bit of a mixed bag. There is a lot of building work going on. There are massive bright and shiney skyscrapers juxtaposed bewteen delapatated, crusty, rundown buildings.

The second glance unveils one of the most exciting cities in the world. Theres so much going on. Flashy illuminated streets packed with posh, highbrow shops dotted with the street sellers trying to off load fake handbags, watches and dee vee dee's.

Old traditional streets packed full of street markets, street food and of course our dear friends the dee vee dee fella's. Clothes are hung out over the street to dry by the local inhabitants of the more humble dwellings.

All these streets are choka block with people. Chinese tourists taking photos of anything that flashes, Chinese buisness men dashing from building to building frowning at the tourists for taking pictures of their work place. The very occational westerner who stands out like a pastey sore thumb, who are usually surrounded by 2-3 of the little fake goods fella's "Bags, Watches, you buy, good price, dee vee dee's"

Shanghai is a fantastic place to be in. All you could want from a modern Chinese city.


The train is a bit rougher than the first one - still six beds to a compartment but open plan - bit dirtier but comfy.

23 hours is a long time to be on a train. Cards becomes a bit tedious after 4 hours.

Cabin fever setting in and everyones going a bit daft. John dressed up as a fictional Chinese fella called Fang Fang (Square Square!!!)

Saw weight watchers posters in Shanghai - I think that buisness idea is about as much use as a chocolate eye in a blackout as here everyone is stick thin!!!!

DAY 15 - 02-02-2009 LAST DAY IN SHANGHAI

Walked upto the peoples square (park for people) met a little chinese fella who started talking to us about the 2 million unemployed in the UK. Then he gae me his buisness card "TOM FENG" and asked us if we knew any English girls we could send over to Shanghai so he could marry one!!! We wound him up for a bit then he gave me his email address and made me take a photo of him to show all the lucky English girls what he looked like. He was being totally serious!!!!

Went for some tea/coffee's - had milk pudding tea - milky tea with lumps in it - had to try and ignore the natural gag reflex but well nice.

Met Ling for lunch - Chinese hotpot, a bit like fondu - They bring out a pan of boiling stock and put it on a gas burner in the middle of the table and you put the raw meat and veg in and cook it yoursel. Very nice but a bit messy and awkward to eat.

Caught a bus to the train station to catch a 23 hour sleeper to Jangshuo.

In the station we saw two Chinese couples having a fight - The funniest fight Ive ever seen - alot of bitch slapping and handbags - CLASS!!!!

DAY 14 01-02-2009 DERBY DAY

walked to the old part of the city to see the Yu Gardens and surrounding Bazzar!!

To get there you walk through these tiny little streets, selling all sorts of weird and wonderful things, all lit up with flourencent flashing lights - awesome!!

To get to the garden enterance we had to cross an ancient 9 cornered bridge. We renamed it the bridge of death as you were lucky to still have air in your lungs when you reached the other side. The whole place was rammed with Chinese tourists and the bridge was ridiculously busy. It was only about 200m long and took about 25 mins to cross it. We were literally face to face with people with your arms fixed down by your side shuffling a long with the crowd.

Inside the gardens it suddenly becomes very quiet and peaceful. The Chinese mustnt go inside they must just come and take their chance on the bridge of death.

Its a strange feeling in the gardens - a peaceful place in such a busy and noisy part of town (I guess like central park in NY)

The gardens are a maze of rock crops adn lakes and ponds, full of carp that suck your finger if you stick it in the water. I got stuck in a cue of these old chinese gadgies and lost the other 4. I started to panic a abit after about 15 mins when I couldnt find them.

Went for a wander around the Bazzar. They were selling deep fried whole baby chicks (Sophie and me wanted to try them but we remembered the blue Adam cat kebab episode so didnt)

They had Ox soup with the whole Ox skull in the pot.

Walked back down to the Bund and found the ferry that took us across the Yangzi River for 1 Juan = 10p. The ferry was just full of mopeds carrying noodles and meat of the backs.

Evening: Went to see an acrobat show - pretty cool.
- pole climbers
- ribbon acrobats
- hat jugglers
- hoola hoop girls
- diablo
- 5 motorbike cage of death

= Mentalists

Sunderland 1 Newcatle 1 4 points off of the skunks this season - cant grumble about that!!!

DAY 13 - 31-01-2009 - SHANGHAI

The four of us went up Nanjing road for some breakfast and walked around - this is more like what I was expecting of Shanghai!!!!!

The rest of the group have checked in and we ketp missing them so we went back to the Bund (river bank where you can see the Shanghai sky line. Tried to find the ferry that takes you across to see the big skyscrapers. We fancied going up the Oriental pearl TV tower. Very expensive so we just walked around and ended up getting the metro under the river to see them.

Taking photos of the skyline and a little chinese fella asked Heather to talk a photo, she went over and the fella put his arm around her and posed for his mate. He wanted a phot of him and her!! On of the only blonde's in Shanghai.

Met up with most of the group for food at Shanghai's Grandma Restuarant - Best food so far.

Had a note back at the hotel from Ling saying theres a room party tonight - We all piled in one room and basically got lashed. It got a bit lairy and Brum Adam passed out. The Crack was of the highest quality!!!